Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Congratulations to our Graduates!

We had two nephews graduate from high school while we were up in Seattle last week. It was a proud moment for all of us to be able to see them graduate...although I did get sad a couple of times thinking that Emery's graduation will probably come faster than I imagine.
So a Big Congratulations to Garret! Who is talking about going on to study law enforcement and become a police officer. He is also extremely talented in art, and very proud of his new tattoo that he got on his 18th b-day. He designed it himself, among many others that may grace his body someday.

His brother and dad, and crazy uncle Mike.

And Congratulations to Josh! Moving on to Eastern Washington University on a Track&Field Scholarship. Way to go Josh!

Mike and Josh, looking a little like smurfs in this picture ;).


Anonymous said...

I can't believe you haven't gotten any comments on this post! You did a great job taking pictures and I really enjoy the cute comments.

Grandma Karen

Kristie said...

Congrats to your nephews Shan! Hope you are having a nice weekend of recovery. I'm so sore I can barely type...softball and then body is screaming..."HELLO, you haven't gotten off the couch in months and now you want to pretend you are still an athlete!"