Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We Survived!

The first day of school that is. Just a few tears from this mama as she walked down the hall away from Ty's class...well, and then the entire drive home. :)
Emery opted to wear some new school clothes. Of course! Ty on the other hand didn't want to be too hot so wore his favorite summer outfit and new shoes.

Yes, I know my son looks a little like a ragamuffin. He's growing his hair out like a surfer...and he managed to spill milk down the front of his shirt right as we were leaving to school. Nice!

Ty sprang out of bed in the morning when I woke him up. Which is very unusual. He does not like to be woken up one bit!!! He couldn't wait to get to his class. He was all excited about getting homework. (which he didn't get)

Crossing the walk. I remember crossing the street when I was in kindergarten. Although I thought when the guard said walk in-between the white lines that meant walking right on top on one of them. Took me a few days to get what she was really saying. Seriously, how do I remember that...but nothing else from childhood, or yesterday for that matter?

Emery got to pick out where she wanted her desk to me. I was hoping she would pick the very front....but nope, all the way in the back. Oh dear!

And Miss Pip missed all the excitement. She slept until 9. Thanks to Grandma that came over so Mike and I could take the kids to school. She was rather happy that she could choose her own cartoon to watch. Dora it was!

So Second day there were a few more hitches. Ty didn't want to be woken up. Then the whole lock down of the classrooms until 8am kind of threw the "Mike taking the kids to school" up in the air. They were a little discombobulated when they were shuffled to the library instead of their classrooms. Ty got several warnings for being too squirrelly. Emery however got to ride the bus for the very first time and she was very stoked! Since school gets out during nap time I reluctantly went back on my No Bus rule. She loved it! I of course drove to school this afternoon (thanks to grandma again for coming over so the little ones didn't have to wake from nap), shuffled her on to the right bus and then followed it home to make sure she got off at the right stop. I know...a tad over protective, but she's safe!


Lindsay said...

hmmm... not sure about the lock-down thing... ours is until 7:55 this week .... and then 7:45 in the weeks to come (I think) ... better not quote me on that yet.

I can't believe how "grown-up" Emery looks... wow... where does the time go?!

Nicole said...

Nick and Ty seemed alot a like, Nick also sprung out of bed on day 1 but was very grumpy on day 2. Nicks teacher does not open the door until 8:00 on the dot. I guess that givs me more time:)

Katie said...

Aw, they look adorable and so excited! Glad they had a great start!

I bet Piper is lonely in the mornings! I can't even imagine
what it will be like to have two gone every day!

Michelle said...

This morning thing is hard... even for those of us mama's in the building. Not liking it (as a mom).

Kailin said...

Okay I am probably not helping but I can't believe how grown up Emery looks, and Ty for that matter.

And the bus thing...funny how kids love it and parents don't! A little tip: send occasional treats to the bus driver!

Leslie said...

So glad it went so well! I am sure I will be calling you (balling) when Maggie starts next week!

Great pictures...Ty is just so darn cute!

kara said...

I stinking love you! You drove behind the bus! I can totally picture you doing that! i bet she love the independece. . . watch out! Glad everything is off and going!