Vacation Here We Come
I am tying up all loose ends before we head out tomorrow for vacation. I still need to pack and mop the floor for the house sitters but otherwise I feel pretty ready.
If you don't know already we are headed to Wisconsin. I know what you are thinking..."why Wisconsin?" We have gotten that a lot. We decided for this years vacation we wanted someplace we could plant ourselves down and not feel like we had to rush around to see all the sites. Mike's family (Uncle, Aunt, Cousins) have cabins on Lake Wisconsin. They are graciously letting us use one! So not only will we have a full week or so relaxing and playing on the lake, we also get to visit with some relatives. Michelle, Kirby and the boys are coming to stay too since it isn't too far from where they live. The kids are so excited!! Ty might even get a little fishing in with either his Uncle Kirby or his great uncle Bob.
As for me, I plan on sitting back and reading books, drinking wine and coffee with my sister. (and Mike, but he wont do the coffee part)
So far the summer has been busy. I still haven't had a chance to get Emery's pictures developed from camp and I am kicking myself for that. Ty has had Golf Camp all week and he seems to be enjoying it.
As far as the house situation goes, we spent several weeks getting it ready to sell, it looks great. We have had some interest in it, but nothing serious. Today we got an offer (unofficial) for 35,000 below our asking price. Um No. However, in the last week we have been really thinking hard on if selling and moving is what we want to do. We have found two houses that we like, but both would need some work. One is brand new and needs the basement finished, one is really old and needs some serious updates. We just keep coming back to the fact that we love our house...everything about it, aside for it's need of a bedroom and separate office.
When we return home from vacation we have a couple of contractors coming out to put bid on an addition, a much smaller addition than we had originally planned, but hopefully more cost effective. So we shall see. I am hoping some time away helps put some perspective on what we really should be doing.
I leave you with a few random pictures: Ty's very proud of his "Golf Pack"

Piper all proud of her helmet and pads. Her little legs are finally long enough to reach the pedals on her little bike. She feels like one of the big kids now.
And my miss Em. Loves wearing a swim suit. This one she got from Angela's Modbe Samples.