Friday, October 31, 2008

Piper's Peek-a-boo Pumpkin

Pumpkin Pumpkins

Yesterday we had pumpkin patch trip with Ty's class, then carving with daddy later that night.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


*preface: for those that don't know, Piper is constantly eating!

Piper: Im hungry daddy...
Mike: Where do you put all that food? Is it in your leg?
Piper: No, it's in my belly. It's having a party.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

College Tooth

*First off...I survived this weekend. Weather was fabulous! People were awesome! (you can see sneak peeks on the photo blog.)

Now back to regular posting. I am in mourning. It started when I started noticed Ty's front tooth was getting pretty loose. I took a picture that day. I wanted to remember what my little baby boy looked like with small sweet little white teeth. . Because as soon as that sucker popped out I knew he would look like a different boy. A huge monster tooth would replace it making him look so grown up, and pretty soon off to college he will go with that big old tooth.

So I have named it his first college tooth. Mike thinks it was the margarita talking when I bestowed the tooth with a name....but really, college tooth came to mind the instant his precious little baby tooth that popped through his gums and bit me while nursing started wiggling. Wazzu here he comes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Week...

I told Mike as we got the kids ready for school Monday morning that we were entering the busiest week in DD history. I was faced with proofing the five sessions I had last week, shooting one regular session (last night) and preparing for 20 mini-sessions this weekend. Along with getting orders to the lab from previous sessions. I'm not feeling stressed...and that is directly due to these:

My List!!! I could not manage without them! I'm sure I have talked about them before...but they are what keeps me sane in the midst of chaos! Monday is always my most productive day and I was able to tackle two pages of to-do's and shrink it down to only a half-a-page! Yeah!

This also happened on Monday. Laundry Day! However...these are clean...and piled on my king sized bed still today! I HATE FOLDING!!!! No Mike and I did not sleep like this, we piled them up this morning, moving them from their previous home in the bonus room.
The Bonus Room, where I slept last night. No, nothing scandalous, just sleeping with a sicky. Note to all of those with Bunk Beds: Puke flows down hill! And on to the baby below. LOVELY!! So it was a long night.

But Piper must have forgiven her sister....because here they are this morning:

My Little Women, watching "Little Women". One of my favorites! "I'm so degratetated."
Now here is hoping that today is filled with productivity too! That might mean I need to get out of this robe.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Modbe Clothes

I have had a couple people ask me what the link on my side-bar is for Modbe Clothes.

Well it's a very nice line of clothing that my friend Angela is selling. Awesome quality stuff!! Timeless Styles, and sized & made so that your not showing your "business" when wearing them. Modesty with Style!

I am having an on-line party for her. So if you're in the market for some new clothes check them out here:

If you purchase anything enter in the party number



Sunday, October 19, 2008


We had a visit this weekend from both of Mike's brothers. One of our nephews came along too. We all went to the homecoming game on Friday night and then the guys went to the blood-bath in Pullman yesterday.

The kids had a blast and were of course spoiled rotten! Especially by Uncle Greg who likes to break mommy's rules ;).
And it was so cute to see little Miss Pip follow her uncle Jim around everywhere. Maverick also got in on the spoiling action. We found him snuggled up in the twin bed with Jim.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Feeling @ 34

I was reading this post from last year. Many things are the same...and a few have changed.

Here is what I am feeling this year.

~Older!!! 34 doesnt roll off the tounge very easy.

~10 pounds heavier

~A sudden urge to get in shape (shopping for a gym membership...thanks Mike)

~Loving my Yoga Class

~Much more hormonally stable

~Excited about my kids ages

~and adored by them

~Love all my kid's Teachers!

~Spoiled by my husband

~Missing my family

~Wishing Mike and I had more Date Nights

~thankful for all my friends!!

~Driven in my business

~Content with my house. It's still small and cluttered, but cleaner now that I have Colleen.

~Smelling Viva La Juicy! (thanks ang.)

~Still addicted to coffee, and fully supported in this habit (thanks Michelle)

~Needing Pedicure (thanks Karen)

~Needing some new clothes (thanks Mom)

~In control of my allergies! Yeha!

~so excited for a new baby to be added to my brother's family.

~surprisingly enjoying FaceBook

~anxious to fill my new hot pink Nano. (again thanks Mike)...see spoiled.

~enjoying a glass of red wine every now and then. Last night was Mad Housewife. How appropriate.

~Thankful for all my birthday wishes yesterday!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Women In Small Business Tip #1

Here it is ladies, the answer to those of you in small business who want/need to save a buck.

Marry a handyman. It seriously saves on the bottom line.

Im getting very excited about my new office/daylight studio. Mike is almost done building walls, then comes a quick paint job, some new signage, hanging my prints and giving it my little touches.
I ordered a backdrop last night. Im anxious to start shooting there, because it's getting cold outside quick!!!

Thanks Mike for all your hard work. You're by far my biggest supporter and I love you!!

And thanks again Lindsay for your Plug ;)!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Playing House

I have such fond memories of playing house when I was little. Actually, my brother and I had a game called "Lost Kids". We pretended we were kids who were lost, and we would play it all over the neighborhood.

Today we are having a play date with the J kids (minus one who is sick). I am enjoying giving them some space of their own to play and use their imaginations. They don't know I am listening in closely...enjoying every minute of their "play".

Here's the Scene: They are a family living in China, they only speak Chinese (which sounds alot like English)

the Cast:

Emery: The Mom (with some leg issues)

Hannah: The Nanny

Ty: The mailman, that apparently takes naps at people's houses.

Pip & Zeke: The babies.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

October Ramble favorite time of the year. I always look forward to this month...but this year I am finding myself looking forward to when it's over. I know that sounds awful, but this happens to be the busiest Month in the history of this family. (okay that might be a slight exaggeration.).

Here's what we have going on, all good things...just busy:
High School Football every Friday night.
College Football (only one home game this month)
Piper's Cheer on Mondays
Church every Wednesday night
Small group every Sunday night.
Family in from Chicago then
Family in from Vegas & Seattle
10 regular photo sessions
20 mini-sessions
Mike building out a new studio for me at the Daisy Bucket, Yeah!
Then Shannon decorating it, Yeah! (good thing I have Cassandra there...she's the decorating queen.)
A annual Halloween Feast. (celebrating a tradition of being goofy with the D family and our kids...not satan ;). (side note, spell check wanted me to capitolize the SOB's name...I refuse.)
oh, and maybe a birthday for someone thrown in there ;)
All of this while starting off the month with a bought of strepish kind of illness for all of us.

Good Times!!! Like I said all of these things are very good things, fun things (aside from being sick). But I have this feeling inside that Im going to miss the warm and cozy feeling I get this time of year. Because when we are busy...time goes by without notice. I blink and it's gone. Therefore, I am going to try to focus on "Winking" more. Maybe it will help me hold on to October a little a tighter.

Randomness over...
(oh and dont you just love the pumkins in my header. I got them with a photo-shoot in mind. But that all depends on how the studio comes along.)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Baby Sitter Asap

Hey friends, I am needing some good recommendations for a baby sitter quickly. Mike and I have conflicting schedules this week and we end up needing a baby sitter for two nights. We are fortunate enough to have family here who willingly watch our kids so we haven't needed an extensive list of sitters. And the one we were using is now off to college.

So if you can email or call me I would really appreciate it!


Sunday, October 05, 2008

Another Artist on our Hands

...She's the first at the Art table every Tue. & Thur. morning at school.

...She constantly wanting into my crafts supplies

...She dabbles in controversial art, just like her Big sister did.

...She denies it to the death, just like her Big sister.

These would be our sheets, during a supposed nap hour.
Her Door:Her Computer Desk:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Defining Details Newsletter

As I am busy finalizing my October Email Newsletter tonight I started thinking there may be some of my friends and family who have not been past clients of me as well, but would still be interested in getting my monthly newsletter. I don't know, maybe not. But if you are here is an easy way to sign up for it. And if you hate it, you can always click the opt out button to stop getting it.

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