Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This Week...

I told Mike as we got the kids ready for school Monday morning that we were entering the busiest week in DD history. I was faced with proofing the five sessions I had last week, shooting one regular session (last night) and preparing for 20 mini-sessions this weekend. Along with getting orders to the lab from previous sessions. I'm not feeling stressed...and that is directly due to these:

My List!!! I could not manage without them! I'm sure I have talked about them before...but they are what keeps me sane in the midst of chaos! Monday is always my most productive day and I was able to tackle two pages of to-do's and shrink it down to only a half-a-page! Yeah!

This also happened on Monday. Laundry Day! However...these are clean...and piled on my king sized bed still today! I HATE FOLDING!!!! No Mike and I did not sleep like this, we piled them up this morning, moving them from their previous home in the bonus room.
The Bonus Room, where I slept last night. No, nothing scandalous, just sleeping with a sicky. Note to all of those with Bunk Beds: Puke flows down hill! And on to the baby below. LOVELY!! So it was a long night.

But Piper must have forgiven her sister....because here they are this morning:

My Little Women, watching "Little Women". One of my favorites! "I'm so degratetated."
Now here is hoping that today is filled with productivity too! That might mean I need to get out of this robe.


Stacy said...

Praying for a hedge of health protection for YOU! I'm trying to tame the laundry monster right now!

Angela said...

Oh man poor Piper!

Hope today turns into a healthy one! :)

Nicole said...

I see one more you can cross off your list:)

Katie said...

Uh guys too! I hope it stays with just one in the family getting sick like it did with us.

Little Women is one of my faves, as well...

Here we go a-wassailing amoung the leaves so green... (first thing that popped into my head when I thought of that movie~now I'll probably be singing it all day!)

Amanda said...

We appreciate all your hard work, Shannon. Hope that the next couple of weeks go smoothly for you & family. :)

Lindsay said...

Sending prayers your way...

MyOhMy said...

Lists are great.
"Little Women" IS my favorite...."Oh Joe, your one beauty" - love it!!!

Melissa said...

Praying you stay sane:) I hope that Eme is feeling better for her sleep over. Mylah can't wait!

Crystal said...

Hope your list shrinks even more! Busy Lady!

Tracy said...

List are definitely a must in this life. I have a pretty major list going on myself right now. Good luck getting it all done! Get better little ones!

Sue said...

The blessing is that your business has exploded!! I'm so proud of you. Good for you on the list thing. I should say WE are so proud of you, because I know Scott is too. :)Shoot on girl!Hope the kids are better.