Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bye Bye Fishies

So some of you know that Mike and I are looking for a bigger house. That means getting this sweet little house of mine Sell Ready. So the Fish must go. Sad...Ty had a hard time, but I took pictures and told him we would make a scrapbook of all the rooms so he could always remember this house. (thank Crystal for that idea!) I think it will be really hard on me when it comes to painting my kids rooms. Oh the love and attention that went into painting those! Ugg! What an emotional process this past two weeks have been, and it is only the beginning.

And just a random of Piper playing in her little house (aka, mommy's boxes from the lab)

Let me PERSUADE you to join our Book Club!

Okay Ladies! (local ladies that is)

Katie and I have decided to start a Book Club! And we are looking for those who want to join in!

What does it entail?

  • Read a book every month!

  • Come ready to discuss it at the book club meeting.

What & When is the Meeting?

  • Dinner out with the ladies! (how cool is that!)

  • Every 4th Friday of the month at 6pm (schedule may change from time to time depending on the majorities Schedule)

What are we reading?

  • Books will vary and will be chosen at the end of each book club meeting. Come to the first meeting with a list and we will go from there.

  • Im in the process of getting information from other ladies who have done book club meetings for years on the best way to make this work. I'll come with some guidelines to the first meeting.

  • June Book Club Book is a Classic: PERSUASION, by Jane Austin


Email me or Katie A. if you are interested and we will keep you informed on the location for our first meeting.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lens For Sale

Thought I would post it here before putting it up on Facebook and Ebay.

If you're a canon user and like prime lenses I am selling my
85mm 1.8 for $300. It is barely used, probably only about 4 times. Still in the original box.
It take beautiful images. Im just tend to use my other lenses more often.

I'll ship too.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Idol

Love this this winner!! (and I so love this song he is singing in this video!)

Key to 9 Years of Marraige.

So a few of you know that on Tuesday Morning as we were all getting ready to head out to school we realized the the key's were locked in the van. Not just the main set, but the spare and the Valet key. Yup...all in the van. My husband pursed his lips and kept quiet while he called the locksmith. Never did he open his mouth to express his frustration. Good man!
So last night, on our anniversary, when we were seated at our table at the Farmer's Kitchen there was this bouquet of 9 keys to the van. It took me a bit to realize what it meant, I'm slow! Seriously...who thinks of this kind of cleverness. Only Mike.
Thanks honey for finding humor in this :).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A little about Ty

Last week, before we put the kids to bed Mike was reading to them out of their devotional bible. I cant remember what story he was reading. Probably because I was anxious for their little heads to be on their pillows and for quiet in the house. I do remember at the end of the story during the lesson there was a mention of "asking Jesus in your heart." And I do remember very vividly Ty saying "I want that." I held back my gasps and my tears! The tears started flowing when I eavesdropped on Mike leading Ty to the Lord in his bed just a few minutes later. Ty's sweet sister's were there eavesdropping with me.
We knew this was coming. Ty has always had a heart and head for Jesus. Always asking questions, always remembering the lessons he learned at church and school (pre-school). He'd been asking alot more questions lately...and so we were waiting for this.

Yet at the same time...we have been really struggling with our little man. He has been acting out both at home and at school. The disobedience at home stinks, but not nearly as much as at school, when it is out of our hand and in the hands of his teachers. Yesterday was the worst yet, even involving the principle. When he got off the bus and told me what happened I nearly lost it with frustration. Seriously, he's a smart kid...he knows better. I just kept thinking in my head "how are we going to get through to him", "why is he acting this way", "what is he going to be like as a teenager"....And then I heard it. The quiet peaceful voice inside my head that I love hearing. God's Voice saying: "He's Mine Now...He's Mine, I have him...." Ahh...Peace, True Peace. All my fears about what he will be like when he's older slipped away. I know that no matter what path Ty takes in life...God will never let go of him. He will always Have him.

Having said that. God may have him in his hands, but this mama is grounding his butt!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day...and other random stuff.

Mother's day was filled with activity...yet I still got a few hours to just relax with my book in the sunshine. After church we went to Hat Rock for a little picnic. Then Mike took the kids on a 3 hour search for the perfect hanging basket. Hence, the hammock time for me! He came home with not only a beautiful hanging basket but also a couple of fondu we had a feast later that evening. It was nummy...but a learning experience on how to truly fondu.

Here are a few pics of us at the park earlier in the day.

Including a classic one by Mike of my cleavage...he likes to take these shots. But notice the necklace...Em made that for me. (I love that he caught me twirling my hair...always)

Me and those who make me a Mom.

Pip looking at her panties. She had just squatted to go pee. Don't Judge! I'm a much better mommy for teaching my child this! And someday she will thank me. Emery on the other hand refuses...and I had to take her to the most nasty bathroom EVER!! Seriously girl, squatting is much more hygienic.
Speaking of panties...earlier in the day I went to pick Piper up from her Sunday School class. She was wearing this same sun dress she has on in this picture. I twirled her up in my arms only to feel soft bare buns! I just about screamed in shock. Here she was all during Sunday school with nothing on under her dress. Thankfully her teacher said no one noticed. I thought she might have just forgotten, so when I asked her about it she said "i didn't want to wear them." Oh Dear.
And here's another Piper story for you: On Tuesday while picking her and Zeke up from school, her teachers told me how they had a little conversation with the two of them about saving their kisses for their mommy's only. They said they had overheard Piper saying something along the lines of Zeke tried to kiss me or something. I had a little convo with her about it after dropping off Zeke. I said..."Did Zeke try to kiss you?" She Nodded. I asked..."well what did you say." (and here is the part I thought for sure she was going to say something along the lines of her telling him no...) But nope she said: "I said, Come and Kiss Me" OH DEAR, Again!!
We will be keeping our eyes on that little on! (Miss Tammy are you shocked?)
Michelle (Zeke's Mom) and I had a good laugh...both of them are the babies of the families...and both are very affectionate, kisses and hugs are abundant at home for kissing and hugging each other probably seems normal. We will be having little reminders though about saving the kisses for family only.
And here's a random picture of my son Aladdin on his flying carpet.
And another random...I have been a mother for over 7.5 years...and this is the first french braid I have ever given Emery. I know it's not pretty...the purpose was for wavy hair in the morning. It worked!

Friday, May 08, 2009

Mama Art

Ty Ty brought this peice of art home for me today for Mother's Day. Aren't I pretty :).

Sweet boy. He wrote, "my mom is special because she loves me."

He's the special my little man so much!!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Me & My Prince Ball

All the little princesses....well at least the girlfriends that I got to take pictures of. Such sweet little girls we are blessed to have in our lives.

Lady Piper
And her silver slippers.
The Duchess Emery...and her Diamond slippers (yes she asked if they were real)

My Prince and his little ladies! Love the look on all their faces...such joy!

The only prince they will be kissed by...hopefully for a long time!