Last week, before we put the kids to bed Mike was reading to them out of their devotional bible. I cant remember what story he was reading. Probably because I was anxious for their little heads to be on their pillows and for quiet in the house. I do remember at the end of the story during the lesson there was a mention of "asking Jesus in your heart." And I do remember very vividly Ty saying "I want that." I held back my gasps and my tears! The tears started flowing when I eavesdropped on Mike leading Ty to the Lord in his bed just a few minutes later. Ty's sweet sister's were there eavesdropping with me.
We knew this was coming. Ty has always had a heart and head for Jesus. Always asking questions, always remembering the lessons he learned at church and school (pre-school). He'd been asking alot more questions lately...and so we were waiting for this.
Yet at the same time...we have been really struggling with our little man. He has been acting out both at home and at school. The disobedience at home stinks, but not nearly as much as at school, when it is out of our hand and in the hands of his teachers. Yesterday was the worst yet, even involving the principle. When he got off the bus and told me what happened I nearly lost it with frustration. Seriously, he's a smart kid...he knows better. I just kept thinking in my head "how are we going to get through to him", "why is he acting this way", "what is he going to be like as a teenager"....And then I heard it. The quiet peaceful voice inside my head that I love hearing. God's Voice saying: "He's Mine Now...He's Mine, I have him...." Ahh...Peace, True Peace. All my fears about what he will be like when he's older slipped away. I know that no matter what path Ty takes in life...God will never let go of him. He will always Have him.
Having said that. God may have him in his hands, but this mama is grounding his butt!