Monday, February 13, 2006


The word Yes, doesnt seem to be in my vocabulary much lately. In fact I think I say the word no at least 50 times a day. Such the life of a mother of two pre-schoolers. I hate the word no, hate how I sounds sometimes...but I know it's a must. I know I have heard some expert say something like "A child who never hears the word no will not grow up to be a very productive/responsible adult in society." Or something like it. a wise woman once said (rebecca riddle) Sometimes you just need to choose to say Yes instead of No. Totally agree with this...and as you can see in this picture...this was one of those times. I mean much harm can an extra load of laundry and a very wet bathroom floor really be. It was fun...and I just know someday they will say. Remebmer when Mom used to let us get in the tub in our clothes (or dora swim suit) just to splash in the water?

Oh and I just want to say right now so that I can remember to tell him this when he is 16. Ty so wanted to wear the Dora Swim suit. His surf shorts just werent as instead he opted for what was on him at the time.


Anonymous said...

Good Mommy!

Anonymous said...

I think I say no to my clients almost as much as I say no to my kids!

I hear you though...sometimes you just want to say yes to hear yourself say it! Good way to get the floor mopped! LOL


Anonymous said...

I just love it! My mom and grandma used to let us do fun stuff like that and I will never forget it.
You are a wonderful mother and your kids are so very blessed!

Stacy said...

Love it! You're a good mommy! About saying 'no'...a wise friend told me to say 'yes' whenever you can-and to really think about it before you just say 'no'-because we have to say 'no' so much. So, if my kids ask me to get in the tub for a water fight with clothes on, I'll try to remember to say 'yes'! We have a family rule-if it rains in Vegas-everyone gets wet. So we go out and get as wet as we can! :) Happy Heart Day! Stacy in Vegas

Anonymous said...

As much as I would like to take credit for inventing saying yes to our children, I can't. For I am sure it's been done before. But thanks for the complement.