Saturday, June 03, 2006


My weekend pretty much was all about Ali. Had a great time at the Daisy Bucket crop on Friday night, where Ali was there signing her book and just haning out with all of us. These pictures where taken that night. I stole them from Misty's blog since she still hasnt emailed them to me, Hint Hint!! Saturday morning I took a class from Ali at the "Bucket". The class was called perspectives. Very cool class, I'll share my album once it is done. And tomorrow I will be going to lunch with the Daisy Bucket girls and Ali before she heads out of town.
Fun times. For those of you who dont know who she is, (which would only be those of you who dont scrapbook) here's a link to Blog. She is an Editor for Creating Keepsakes Magazine, an author and a life artist. Oh, and a very cool chick.

I pasted below Ali's Manifesto about being a LIFE ARTIST.

So, life artist it is.
So who is a life artist? Do you take photos of your family, yourself, your environment, your world? Do you tell stories? Do you bring them all together onto paper, into your computer, onto a canvas (or some other cool concoction)? Do you create art journals with all kinds of wonderfully interesting pieces of your life and thoughts and emotions? Do you celebrate your life through your art?
You are a life artist.
I am a life artist.

(writen by Ali Edwards on her blog March 20th)

Good times Ali, thanks again!


Kristie said...

Awesome times at the Bucket this weekend! Ali totally ROCKS! So glad that we took the same class! Wish I would have had more time to spend at the Bucket yesterday.

Anonymous said...

It was a blast! Love the pictures! :) I promise I will get them sent to you today!

Jana said...

Great pics, you lucky girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like you had a wonderful time, I know you were looking forward to it. Glad it went as well as you had hoped.
See you Fri..
Love, Mom

Lindsay said...

how cool - glad you had a GREAT time!