Thursday, June 22, 2006

Piper has graduated

Piper had her last physical therapy appointment today. Almost four months later and about 20 sessions and she's done. She went from barely putting any weight on her legs at 12 months old, to sitting up on her knees, pulling up on her knees, crawling, climbing the stairs, pulling up to standing, and now walking all around the furniture and walking on her own behind a walker. You should have seen her today, she kept moving Jody's hand when she was walking behind the walker, as if saying "I can do it on my own." I am very grateful for all of Jody's help and encouragement. Probably just be a few more weeks and our little one will finally be brave enough to step out on her own.


Kristie said...

That's so awesome! Yeah Piper! She'll be running around by the end of the summer!

Lindsay said...

Way to go Piper! Love the pictures - what a cute, cute girl!