Friday, November 21, 2008

An Honest Post

Well, I've been meaning to do a big random post filling you all in on what's happening around here and any updates on our mysteries. My friend Michelle gave me an honest award on her blog HERE I thought I would start off with that and then move on to the update.
So here are 10 brutally honest things about me: (I'm kind of an open book, so these may not be surprising.)
1. I am very happy to have my friend Michelle in my life. We've gone through some crap together over the last few year, but there is a cool thing about both loving the same God. We have a clear view of what forgiveness and relationship should look like, so healing comes easier.
2. I am obsessed with vampires right now. No, don't freak out...I haven't gone Goth...i just cant put the Twilight Series down.
3. I'm really afraid my kids biggest memory of their mom is going to be half a face behind a laptop screen.
4. I'm very proud of myself for holding my ground and not taking on any sessions in December. I have a feeling there will be many blessings due to this decision.
5. Nothing makes me more angry then when someone interprets me wrong, or accuses me of something that just isn't true, same goes for when someone does this about my family.
6. Preface: this one makes me sound really harsh. I don't have much compassion for people who are really insecure, especially when it effects my relationships. I need to work on this.
And no this is not directed at anyone at all I promise so no one get all insecure about it.
7. I've been working out regularly at the gym for a month. I got stuck on the bench one morning...good thing I am there early enough that I was the only one there to laugh at my flailing body hanging off by one foot.
8. Facebook is fun.
9. I'm really bad at writing letters consistently to our sponsor child in Haiti. I have serious guilt about this.
10. I get the baby urge often. Then remind myself how good life is right now...and I'm over it.
And there you have the good, bad & ugly. you can guess by my lack of post life has been busy. I have concentrated hard on finishing up all orders from my fall sessions so that I can truly enjoy my month of December before sessions start up again and I start tackling some business overhaul stuff, (updating website, working on 09 Marketing, etc..) I'm so excited for a break this week in Seattle. I shot my last local session on Thursday for the year, and I have a few lined up in Seattle. Then I am done. Yeah!
Here's the update on the mysteries. No news on the knife except that my mom didn't steal it :). I did call Walmart yesterday. They had not heard of any other story similar to ours, but they said they would keep an eye out. Not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. I just know that my kids will stay close and I need to talk more about the danger from strangers to them. But I'm done dwelling on it more. I don't want to freak myself out.
Well, i need to go bath my kiddos and put them to bed. Finish up one last order and then stay up all night with my vampire books! Mike and I are off to the most depressing Apple Cup in the history of the game tomorrow.
Go Cougs & Have a Happy Thanksgiving.


Michelle said...

1. Ditto
3. Ditto
5. Pretty sure I did this to you back in the 'crapy days'
6. Pretty sure this happed back in the 'crapy days'
so glad that when sCrap happens...and we can move on! :)
7. Super proud of you- a tad bit jealous... maybe some motivating jealousy. :)
8. ditto
10. I'm over that one... but I'd love on yours if you want to go for it.

Have a great week~ you deserve a good one!

Amy Tolar said...

Live this post!

Oh my goodness, though, just saw the news with the score fo the Apple Cup! Congratulations, Cougs! What an exciting game, too, it sounds like! I hope you and Mike had a GREAT time!

Tiffany said...

Ok everyone seems to be into the Twilight series!

Molly said...

So it wasn't the worst Apple Cup ever! :) If you have a chance, give me a call when you're in town this week!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Kailin said...

I guess the Apple Cup wasn't as depressing as you thought it would be! COngrats:)

Leslie said...

Okay I am dying to see a sneak peak of our pressure or anything! :) It was so good to see you guys when you were here. We need to come visit you soon!