Friday, July 29, 2005


Piper and Kael, arent they so sweet. All chubby! Kael was born 3 months before Piper. He's such a cutie and a chunck...just like his daddy was when he was a baby. This picture was taken right before they both started fussing. The next picture I took has Kael frantically looking for his daddy and Piper falling over behind Kael. Aww...perfect timing.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Alway's Coca-Cola

Wouldnt this be the best Coke ad. It would make me buy for sure!

(for all you mothers out there cringing because my son is drinking a was only the last few drops of mine he had. He's more of a Coffee drinker)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Introducing Swogs.

Let me introduce you to the newest member of our family. Swogs! (anyone who knows my husband knows that pet's are named after WAZZU football players. Swogger is the quarterback this year.) He joins the coach, our big fat cat Doba. They are hilarius to watch play together...Swogs is the instigator and puts up a good fight. Mike caught him drapped in our sheets fighting with Doba who was on top of the sheets. He said it looked like a little ghost kitty. Doesnt Swogs resemble Rosie? Except for the fact that it's a boy, has a funny short tail and will probably be much bigger than Rosie. He is also much more social than Rosie, and let's Ty tote him around everywhere. We still miss that little girl. Anyway, thanks for lettimg me share our newest family memeber with you.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Too Fast!!!

She's growing too fast. I want it to stop. My little baby is Five Months tomorrow. I can't believe it. Tonight she ate cereal for the first time. Bitter sweet for me. She gobbled it up like a pro, and ate quite a bit. Why can't they just stay this size forever. I love this picture I took over the weekend. Little Diva. She is be-jeweled (notice the rhinestones around her neck). Her Great Auntie Nanner gave her those. A Watkins woman has to have bling!! Her little expression on her face is what she looks like all the time. I swear her cheeks must hurt her because she is always smiling. I could just bite them, and I do quite often, it makes her giggle. Okay, now I am babbling about how in love I am with my baby. Yada yada yada. Don't Grow Too Fast Sweet Pips!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A-Z of Me

My sister Michelle and I. It was fun to see her this weekend, we dont see eachother enough.

I stole this ABC of Me from my friend Misty's Blog.

A - Act your age - 30. It only hurt for one day...just like Jamie said.
B - Breast size - hmm...well that depends, I am nursing bigger than usual...they keep dropping though!!
C - Chore you hate - EVERYTHING!!! (my mommy didnt make me do many chores)
D - Dad's name - Emery Brooks... and Alan Michael ( long story)
E - Essential makeup item - concealer
F - Favorite singer - Hmm...dont really have just one.
G - Gold or silver - Both
H - Hometown - Seattle, Wa
I - IceCream - anykind!! Love Peppermint Chip Blizzards. Okay now I want one.
J - Job title - Moooommmyyyy...
K - Kisses, what kind do you prefer - Little ones.
L - Living arrangements - Husband, three kids and two cats in a cute little house.
M - Meat, favorite kind - Cheeseburgers.
N - Number of kiddos - 3
O - Overnight hospital stays - 4, once with all three kids and then when I was born Im sure.
P - Packing habits - My motto for packing is "just in case"
Q - Quote that you love - "No Soup for You"
R - Religion - Not fond of the word religion ...but Christianity!
S - Siblings - 3 sisters, 2 brothers. (part of the long story)
T - Time you get up in the morning - hmm..3:30, 6ish...then again at 7 when Mike leaves.
U - Underwear of choice - Thong. (sorry...too much info)
V - Vegetable you can't stand - squash
W - Worst habit - picking my toes.
X - Xrays - yes, a few times
Y - Yummy food you make - meatballs are pretty good.
Z - Zodiac sign -Libra...but I could care less.

swimming suit update

for all those who read my swimming post. Here's a little update on the missing swim suits...
...found the strangest place in the house.
Clean, folded up and put away in the drawer. Shocking!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The gate is wide
The road is paved in moderation
The crowd is kind and quick to pull you in
Welcome to the middle ground
You're safe and sound
andUntil now it's where I've been

'Cause it's been fear that ties me down to everything
But it's been love, Your love, that cuts the strings

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I am small
And I speak when I'm spoken to
But I am willing to risk it all
I say Your name
Just Your name and I'm ready to jump
Even ready to fall...

Why did I take this vow of compromise?
Why did I try to keep it all inside?

So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
The way it always was Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave

I've never known a fire that didn't begin with a flame
Every storm will start with just a drop of rain
But if you believe in me
That changes everything

So long, I'm gone
So long status quo
I think I just let go
You make me want to be brave
I wanna be braveT
he way it always was Is no longer good enough
You make me want to be brave
Brave, brave
(lyrics by Nichole Nordeman)

I think I want to make this my Anthem!!

Monday, July 18, 2005

Going Swimming with 3 Kids!

Eat lunch…
Get kids packed…
Go to wal-mart for suits…(lost mine and emery’s last time we went swimming)
Find Eme and Piper suits…
Try on 3 different ones for me with 3 kids in changing room…
Nothing is working...fat.....Okay...this is where I want to swear...but I'll refrain.
Decide to go get a tank and shorts on at home…
Will play with Piper on side of pool and kids can swim with Grandma and their cousins…
Go Pay for Girls Suits….
Walmart isn’t taking Debit because phones are down…
No Check book in purse…
Friends in line offer to buy the suits for us…
Finally found Business Checks…that worked..
Drive to Swimming pool…
Start to unpack car…
No new swim suits…
Idiot left them in cart…{that would be me}
Drive fast back to Walmart…
Pray they are still in cart…
Prayer not answered my way…
Thinking about just going home…
Unpack all kids and walk into walmart…
Ty wants to go home and take a nap now…
Wait in huge line at Customer Service…
Give up waiting…
Now I have to go home…we have no suits…
Walk out of walmart…
Cart Guy is walking in with my bag…
Prayer now answered…
Pack up car and drive to swim park…
See Grandmas car in parking lot…phew…
Pay for tickets…
Get Grandma or cousins in site…
Walk around pool frantically looking for them…
Completely about to cry now…(remember I cant swim with the kids because I have no suit)
Get kids in suits and sunscreen…
Still no Grandma, car no longer in parking lot…
Finally find Cousins in Big pool….
They were kind and stopped playing basketball to play with the kids…
Finally Grandma Arrived…(she had to go home to get her swim shoes because the ground was blasted hot!!!) I don’t blame her.
Kids had a fun afternoon in the pool…
Big pool was cleared because of Poop AGAIN!!!! (third time in a row)
Go to car...Blazing Car Seat buckles…Melted Crayon on seats. (sorry mike…but it cleaned right up with a wippy) {insert I told you so from Mike here}
Home at 4:45!
Kids Napping….(don’t care how late it is…I NEED DOWN TIME!!)

The fun of summer. We’re going again Tomorrow or the next day, thank goodness Grandma lives here!!

We're Back!

Were back from a long weekend in Seattle. It was a blast and action packed. I will be posting pictures soon, just have to get some developed first. Here are a few of the things we did.
~Hospital Baby Shower for Molly
~Seeing all my Girlfriends
~Ty Get's to Wear Cougar Helmet. Look how happy he looks (above) Thansk Luke!
~Sister Michelle in town!!!
~Playing at the beach with the Cousins
~Staying with Chris and Leslie and Maggie
~Watkins Family Reunion
~More playing at the beach with Cousins!
~Long Drive home...packed Van with More Cousins!!!

My kids love all there 21 Cousins!!! (they got to see 6 this weekend. All boys!!!)

I'll post pics soon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

80's Flash Back.

I found this picture while looking through college/post college pictures for a project. Totally cracked me up. We were obviously at an "Eighties"Themed Party. I am the Tart in the middle. I think I was going for the Madonna look. These are my best girlfriends..."the ya-ya's" We did everything together...I miss those days. I got married and moved to Vegas shortly after this was taken. But no matter how long I have been away my friendships still remain. I love you guys so much. Thanks for your friendships!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Keep Climbing.

Just trying to keep updated with my scrapbooking, so not to get too behind. I had a few minutes of guilt free scrapbooking with all the kids napping and a relatively clean house. Love this picture of Emery. I was so nervous when she was up there in that tree...but the shot was worth it!

Monday, July 11, 2005

So Ty!

It's been one of those Morning with my little guy. This layout says it all. He is a complex little human. Adorable...but challenging. I think he is growing Mike and I as parents. No, I know he is. We are continually trying to find ways to instruct, discipline and give him special attention. He thrives with one on one attention...unfortunatly as Mike would put it, he's stuck in a house full of girls all day. Poor Guy. Hopefully we figure out soon.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Cute little Ditty...

Today the little neighbor kids from across the street were over watching a movie. Mike and I caught Emery reading her Bible with Nayelle and telling her how God loves her. Isnt that just the sweetest?? So cute to see their little hearts and minds learning about Jesus...even better to see her talking with her friends about it. I pray that she will grow to have the boldness to share her faith openly as she learns to make it her own and understand it fully. Makes a mama and papa proud.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Another Ad Inspiration Page

Here is another Ad Inspiration Page I did for 2peas. For some reason this one was a little more difficut for me. But I played with my series option on my Camera this weekend and got some great shots of the kids in action. These pictures were taken on the 4th. Avery came over to play in the pool.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We spent the fourth erecting our giant flag pole smack dab in the middle of our yard. It looks alot better than I thougth it would. Old Glory was a waving in the East Oregon Wind!! Better get its time in, because in about a month the Coug flag will replace it for a full football season. Later that evening we went out to the Ditchen 4th BBQ. It was lots of fun. Short but sweet since our kids were exhausted and showing it!!! We were able to snap this picture before we left. We had promised the kids we would take them to the fireworks, however we didnt think they would make it til 10. They did however pull through only to get there to hid their little faces and cover their ears for the entire show. They missed a good show. Happy Freedom Everyone!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Piper's Day

Today we had Piper Dedicated. She looked so sweet in the dress that her Great, Great, Great grandmother made for my mom when she got dedicated. The following is a prayer Mike wrote for her.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for Piper Corean, the little surprise that brightened up our life. We call her our little rainbow because she reminds us of how amazing you are and how quickly life can change. One minute there is nothing, and the next there is a beautiful display of color and light stretching across the sky. Piper adds so much to all of our lives, and we cannot imagine a day without her.

We come before you to promise we will raise her to know you and put her faith in you. We ask for your guidance as we raise Piper in a home that is centered on your love. We will teach her to praise you for all the good things in her life, and to lean on you through the trials that come. She is such a sweet and innocent girl; we pray that she will remain this way throughout her life.

We promise to love Piper as you love us, and to teach her about the gift you gave us through Jesus, your only Son. Please keep us patient as she learns, and open her heart for the love you have for her. We love you and thank you for all the blessings in our life, today is the day we dedicate Piper Corean to you.


Genesis 9:16

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."

Friday, July 01, 2005

Scrapbooker's Challenge

I wanted to share with you all my latest layout. I did it as part of a challenge on the Two Peas Publications Board. The Challenge was to take the advertisement and use it as inspiration for a layout. So the Piper Layout was my finished result. And quick and easy one. Just the way I like it. The Title is called Nick Name. Then below it has PC, it reads in fine print; "grandpa Gene likes to call you PC. Could it be because he loves computers".