Tuesday, July 05, 2005

We spent the fourth erecting our giant flag pole smack dab in the middle of our yard. It looks alot better than I thougth it would. Old Glory was a waving in the East Oregon Wind!! Better get its time in, because in about a month the Coug flag will replace it for a full football season. Later that evening we went out to the Ditchen 4th BBQ. It was lots of fun. Short but sweet since our kids were exhausted and showing it!!! We were able to snap this picture before we left. We had promised the kids we would take them to the fireworks, however we didnt think they would make it til 10. They did however pull through only to get there to hid their little faces and cover their ears for the entire show. They missed a good show. Happy Freedom Everyone!!! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Very cute picture. I don't know why but it reminds me of an old time postcard. . . life on the farm!

Anonymous said...

Very cute picture!

Anonymous said...

You're going to have a Cougar flag waving on a huge flagpole all season long?! Luke will be SO jealous!
