Friday, April 07, 2006

Please remind me...

Please remind me the next time I try to teach Emery how to move her hips perfectly to the beat of a Lauryn Hill song that I am 31, not 21. I think I need hip replacement surgery.


Kristie said...

Oh my! Hit the pain reliever!

After two weeks on the treadmill I am fully aware that my next birthday will be #30! In college I would run three or four miles a day! Two nights ago I tried to jog (yes jog not run and believe me it was just faster than a walk) a mile...I thought Ted was going to have to perform CPR! My what seven years and three babies will do for your body!

Carrie K said...

heehee...haahaa....sorry...Im just picturing that...give me a minute...

Seriously though, I was in the DB today and saw your AMAZING LO at the rocked that paper! LOVE LOVE LOVE your work...we MUST scrap together SOON superstar!