Monday, October 30, 2006

"Cleanliness is Close to Godliness..."

...whoever said that quote, was not a mom of 3 kids in a small house with way too many toys. And frankly...I dont like them right about now.
This room was clean at 7 am this morning. I woke with my normal Monday morning surge of productivity and cleaned it first off. It is now 2pm and this is how it looks.
I cleaned all weekend only to go to bed last night with a messy house again.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
Completely having a pity party right now... I can not keep up!!!
Sometimes I just want the entire house to be completely picked up. But everytime I turn around the room I just picked up is cluttered again!
I know I am whining....just feeling discouraged right now, seriously to the point of tears.
Keeping the blog real I guess. Off to pick up the pile of buttons my computer chair keeps rolling over and find some chocolate.

Edited to add: How do you make a 4 & 5 yr old know they have to clean up everything they take out.? Or is is a lost cause by now?

Another Edit at 4pm: The kids got up from their quiet time and picked up the family room and their rooms...mamma's feeling much better. Pity Party over.


Lindsay said...

Hang in there friend!
Totally understand... had that same feeling of "overwhelming frustration" last night when I stepped into the room that I thought I had just picked up... and I only have 1 child.
You are not alone... and chocolate always (well, almost always) fixes everything...
Smiles & hugs to you right now!!

Anonymous said...

I am sooooo with you... I won't even post pictures, but I am with ya. I guess you just have to keep telling yourself that someday, all too soon, there will be no more messes and then you will miss them. Just keep that in mind, and in the mean time... Find. Chocolate. FAST!!! {{HUGS}}

Anonymous said...

OH... do I ever understand. I was living that same feeling last night! Then... I woke this morning so so so sick. I spent the morning in the ER. And my house... well it still has LOTS to do.

Glory Laine said...

I just have to keep telling myself that life won't always look like this. It's just a season. Proud of you for posting a picture!

Anonymous said...

It really never gets better. I feel the same way, every time my house it clean it only lasts until everyone comes home then it's a disaster again. It does seem pointless sometimes, but everyone is in the same boat.When they get a bit older you can have them vacuum and mop, that's a big help (especially since those are yucky jobs)
Sis Michelle

Anonymous said...

Oh Shan I feel your pain! I know what you mean! I am such a neat freak and have realized that is not as important right now! My kids will not remember how clean or dirty my house is when it is all said and done!
Hang in there and know that your kids love you for the wonderful mom that you are to them!
Love ya tons,

Anonymous said...

know how you feel I left for sat night (even the kids with ryan)and amazing enough I had the house clean always try to have it clean before leaving town never happens though this time it did but it was trashed when I got home.