Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Answers to the Maverick Questions...

So many questions....So much shock!

Yes, this is Shannon S...and Yes, this is my pup! The sweetest little pup around.

Okay, and I totally understand all the shock...I am not a dog person, however, I do not want my kids to be fearful of dogs like I am.

That is one of the reasons I think we decided to get him...some other reasons being:

1. How can we refuse his sweet face.

2. The kids are at a perfect age to make solid memories of growing up with Maverick.

3. He looks like a little pork sausage.

4. So excited about the fact that eventually he will be cleaning up the floor after meal time so I don't have to!!

5. We always knew getting a puppy was part of our family planning...the opportunity just presented itself.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but in the mean time...here are some more pictures of Mavy-Bear. (yes he already has a thousand nick-names like everyone else in the family.)

Some answers: Yes, he is one of the Wilson's pups. He will be able to go over and visit his mama and his brother Sheriff anytime he wants.
He is part Lab and Border Collie (at least they think border collie, mama may have been a swinger and had other beaus.)
Emery is his little care-taker. She wakes up in the morning and puts on his leash and takes him for a walk...then comes and gets me if there is poopy to clean up. We will have to train her in that area.Ty loves his "bud" and is so proud of him, but is still a little nervous when Mav gets frisky...he doesn't like the nibbles.

Piper's doing well with the puppy too...he likes to chase her.So rest assure, we did know what we were getting into with the puppy. We knew he would cry all night long for his mama and he does. But I am sure he will settle in to his new life and ours as Dog Owners.

Kristie, we will ease the boys into the pup, and put him away when you come over, I always respected when people did that for our frightened children.

Oh and Les, dont worry, we will find a sitter so we dont bombard you with our family and a dog when we come stay in a couple weeks :)

oh and the cats...not loving it so much. Im pretty sure Doba is feeling neglected. They keep their distance.


Kristie said...

Proud of you for braving your way into dog ownership. I'm not afraid of dogs myself but am still not up to the task!

Thank you for your offer to put the dog away when we are there but it's not necessary. They will eventually get used to them...I hope.

Anonymous said...

I'm so relieved that Mav has a family like you guys. We miss him here! The kids absolutely giggled when seeing your pictures of him. They couldn't wait to show Daddy when he came home. I'm loving this blog of yours! Makes me want to start one too!

Shannon said...

You should start one Crystal!!

Angela said...

You guys are great dog owners!!!
What a lucky little pooch!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how cute he is! And I love having our little Gar floor cleaner! He comes running at dinner time to sit under Claire's chair....or Grant's...or Gregory's :)


Anonymous said...

I can't stop looking at his little face and those soulful eyes. What a sweetie!


Anonymous said...

He is so precious...I want one!
Hilarious about not bringing him to Seattle, I am sure my kids would LOVE on him...especially Ava!
Cant wait to see you guys in a couple weeks!
Love, Les

Anonymous said...

Having a dog is awesome. You'll get frustrated and mad but they're so darn cute and love you so much that you forgive them anything.
Michelle R

Michelle said...

Great pictures! I am still in shock. :-)

Amy Tolar said...

Oh, that has to be one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen, and your sweet little ones are so adorable, too! You are so awesome for taking the steps to keep your kiddos from being afraid of dogs ~ good for you.

Jana said...

oh.my.word. That is one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen!!! I hope it fits in well with your precious family!

Tiffany said...

What a cutie patutie!!! I'll dog sit for you anytime!! (I know how hard it is to get people to actually come over and let your dog out while your on vacation!)