Monday, January 12, 2009

The Great Purge of 2009!

*be sure to read to the bottom...I'm selling stuff.

Okay, so our house is greatly shrinking! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY HOUSE. It is quaint, quirky and cozy. I love the look of it. I love the my neighbors. I love all the trees and plants we have added to it. However...I don't love how the walls feel like they are closing in on us. It's our fault. We Have Stuff! Alot of Stuff! And that stuff takes up precious space in the 1600 square feet. So to avoid doing something drastic like trying sell and buy new in this economy just to make more room, I am PURGING!! I am dedicating this whole year to this project. Because frankly, knowing me it may take that long. I will go through every closet, cupboard, storage box, shelf, etc and PURGE!!

Yesterday, I started the PURGE! I started with my own crap, or SCRAP more like it. I cleaned off my Adorably Messy Scrapbooking desk and transformed it into something more practical; A Photographer's Office Space. I'll be honest, I haven't scrapbooked or created a card in nearly 2 years. So it had to go. (don't panic ladies, I still have more than enough tucked away for a rainy day)

So now in effort to pay myself back for all my years of collecting all this stuff I have created an auction.

You can Find It Here:

Next Purge, under the bathroom sinks. (dont worry I won't auction off that stuff)


Kristie said...

Holy "SCRAP" that's a lot of stuff!!!

starting to think that you might be on to something with the purging vs moving idea!!

Nicole said...

My thoughts ecxactly Holy Scrap!!
Wish I could be the lucky winner of this but I am in the same boat as you are with space. And I already have to much Crap.

Lindsay said...

Wishing you LOTS of luck getting rid of all that {SCRAP}! :)

Michelle said...

Oh, my gosh... I so feel tempted... I love 'scrap'... but NEVER do it. I KNOW that someone (**clearing throat sound*** like Katie) would make fabulous use of it!

Angela said...

Thats a lot of crap! I am sure this is gonna make some scrapper VERY happy!

Sweet Blessings said...

You make me laugh (out loud :D) But, what an awesome idea...I'd better not tell Miss Susy she'd probably spend her whole life savings to bid on this auction!!! Hope it brings a good amount...and most all enjoy your NEW office!!! Sweet blessings!