Tuesday, November 29, 2005

{Piper's Check-Up}

Piper's general 9 month check up turned out to be an interesting one. So Piper is a peanut...we've known that for a while. We just thought she was taking after her sister, although she started bigger than Emery. But today at her appointment she measured 16 pounds 1 oz. Only one pound more than she was at her 6 month appointment. That concerned me and the doctor a bit. She thought it might be because she is more active...But that's another concern. She's Not. Little miss Piper is definitely not active...Happy as a little clam to just sit and play with whatever is in front of her. She has no interest in crawling, rolling, scooting or stand with any weight on her legs. After discussing her developmental growth and the fact that she is now not too interested in nursing as much as before, we left the office with a bag full of formula samples and an order for an X-Ray of her pelvis.
I think if this was my first child I would have left in tears. If not then, than for sure when I stepped into the X-Ray room and stuck her tiny little body on the monster machine. But I held it together good. Although it wasn't too fun having to pin her down so she was still during the X-Ray. We will find out the results tomorrow. They just wanted to check to see if everything was in place with her hips or if she's just lazy :).
I do have some mixed feelings on the formula thing. I am pro-nursing and would prefer to nurse her for a year, however part of me okay with the fact that I might get a little relief from nursing. I still haven't decided what I will do there. I have a friend who is a Nutritionist for WIC and a Lactation Consultant and stresses that I should continue to nurse alone. If I were to do that I would have to nurse more often and nurse where she cant get distracted by her siblings....hmm, pretty sure that's not too possible. She doesn't think formula is the cure-all for development...Which I agree. That and the fact that she refuses to take a bottle. I looked up what Emery and Ty were at 9 months. Emery was 18 pounds and Ty was over 20 pounds.
Anyway that is what were are dealing with right now. I will talk more with my friend about Piper's growth, try a bottle here and there and watch to see if her interest in nursing increases or decreases...If the later is the case I will most likely loose my milk supply...and if that happens the girl better learn the bottle and soon.
On a good note...she is advanced in her speech and fine motor skils {able to grasp small objects with two fingers.}


Tracy said...

Shanny - Piper will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure everything will turn out O.K. She is just about the cutest thing ever - give her a kiss for me!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are on the right track with your pediatrician. I will keep you in my thoughts. My youngest (3rd child too) was a peanut... he was and STILL is just a little ball of flesh and bones... not an ounce of baby fat anywhere. HOWEVER< he was also a ball of energy and moved like the wind. I nursed him til he weened himself which was right around the 11mos. time... I was SO sad the day he refused to nurse on a regular basis. I thought I wanted to quit, but the truth was... I was sad that it was HIS idea.. not mine.. KWIM? Anyway, you sound like you've got a little gem... tiny but precious!

Anonymous said...

Well, as we all know, I don't have much experience in this area or any advice to give you other than the fact that I'm sure everything will turn out just the way it's supposed to!! Good luck with the x-ray results; I'm positive everything's just fine there! Maybe she's just a baby who's used to having her older brother and sister do stuff for her so she doesn't feel like she HAS to move around much?? As for the nursing thing....well, you're on your own there :)
Let us know what your Dr. says tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I will be thinking of you. I am sure everything will turn out OK, Ashlyn was always VERY small and didn't start walking until she was almost 16 months. And same thing, she was talking up a storm at a year. I think they just choose a focus. Anyways, Make sure you keeep us "posted"! He, He, posted...

Anonymous said...

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers! I am sure everything will be just fine, but it is always better to make sure everything is working how it should be! You know that Maggie was (and still is) a peanut! Sometimes they have their mind made up on when they want to do things! Be sure to let us know how everything turns out! Did the Dr mention anything about starting to give her some dairy/milk? Maybe she would take it out of a sippy cup? Anyway I will be thinking about you! She is such a precious, happy girl!
Love, Les