Friday, October 07, 2005

{The Cat Whisperer}

So my husband has a thing for helpless, homeless little kittens. Doesn't matter how grungy they are...if he can catch them, he brings them into our warm little home, feeds them, cleans them and gives them medicine. Then "eventually" finds them a home. If it wasn't for his wife I am sure the man would keep them all. Well, that's just gross!
Anyway...this little guy, whom my husband has named Gesser (some of you will get that), has been waking us up in the wee hours of the morning this past week. Both he and the neighbor across the street have gone out in their underwear to find the beast that has been howling. Realizing he was way down the street, the both spared the neighbors of seeing them in their skivvies and let him meow. Well our neighbor came knocking yesterday afternoon with a tiny, scroungy little thing wrapped up in a towel. He had found the poor kitty in his Dog's mouth. He has a few pieces missing off of his ear. Yuck. So this is our houseguest till we can find him a home...well garage guest. He's fiesty and I dont want him around the kids.
Anyone want a kitty?

...oh and bathroom is bright Orange and it rocks!!


Anonymous said...

Okay, let's set the record straight.

We have taken in 3 kittens I believe since we've lived here, and only one of those am I responsible for. The first one, aka "Buster" was all Shannon. She saw him on the street, stopped the car and brought him home. The second cat, who later was named "Cece" by our neighbors who kept her, was the one I brought home. She was trapped under the hood of a car, up in the engine and was all oily and scared, I brought her home.

This third kitty was again my wife's work, NOT mine. I got an email titled "You won't believe what Larry (our neighbor) found in his dog's mouth today" describing how this poor kitty had been half eaten by the neighbor's dog. She took him in and put him in the cat carrier in the garage.

So, the score is Mike 1 Shannon 2...but all 3 have been MY job to find a home.

Also, the name Gesser is all Shannon, she made that one up ;)


Shannon said...

This is my blog...they have to believe my side of the story!

Anonymous said...

THIS is hilarious....... you guys just made my night with the rip roaring back and forth. LOVE IT
BTW I have 2 stray's and one "adopted" cat from the pet store.... I'm a TOTAL sucker when it comes to kitty's. I'm not allowed within a 50yd radius of Pet Smart!!!!LOL
BTW, Shannon.... ORANGE?

Anonymous said...

I love the orange bathroom!!! That is a little scroungy kitty. I won't show Alec because he'd want to keep it too. He's a cat lover like his uncle (and aparently auntie)

Anonymous said...

ROFL at your dh!!!! And your comment took the cake! =)

Anonymous said...

oops!!! that should have said "steph" on that comment!!!

Thena said...

Just say"That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it"....hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty mangy to me, I hope you can find a home for it.

Anonymous said...

Now, THIS is hysterical! I'm glad that my husband doesn't know how to find my blog! He asks me to read it to him every day but I'll be editing if I have to worry about this! SNORT! Good luck with the cats... and any future ones that find their way in too!


Anonymous said...

Ya know Ang and Darin want a kitten. Although I hear they have some spooky cat nabber that lives under the house. But you should ask her if she wants to try again. Becca

Anonymous said...

Poor little kitty!!!! I love the orange bathroom. Looks awesome!