Monday, October 31, 2005

{Halloween Pictures} they are...some pictures of the costumes. Emery for the 3rd year in a row was a princess...this year Cinderella. Ty was Buzz Lightyear (although earlier in the week he insisted he wanted to be batman, so he had that outfit as a spare). And sweet Piper was our little Cow. The wig was my costume...although only the guys were pictured in it. Darrin loved it. He got some good laughs answering the door in it. I didnt get a picture of little Dylan in his pumpkin was of course adorable. Anyway, happy Trick or Treat Hunting (as Ty Ty would say).

Friday, October 28, 2005

{What a Mess}

Yes it is messy for sure...but they love it...and it frees me up to do something else!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

{Not So Martha}

My attempt at being Martha for the Cake Auction at Emery's school. Yes, I actually picked leaves from my neighbors grape vine and painted them with chocolate. It was a mess...and out of 10 attempts, 3 leaves turned out.
We ended up bidding on our own cake and buying it back from 30$. Just had an issue of eating someone else's cake that I didnt know.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

{Our Pumpkins}

Monday, October 24, 2005

{Dinner on the Run}

Typically we are a "sit down to eat dinner together as a family" kind of family. However, Sundays seem to be different for us. Sunday afternoons are spent taking long naps for the whole family. We have our small group from church in the evenings, which means dropping the kids off to play with all the other kids from small group. No matter how hard I try dinner always seems rushed and crammed in so we are not late. These pictures are evidence that our kids didn't get to finish their dinner before Small Group. When we got home around 8pm dinner was still warm in the oven. The kids pulled up their chairs and ate right off the pan. Ahhh...what a "perfect family moment" Can you hear the sarcasms?

Saturday, October 22, 2005


What kind of comments do you hear when you mix an extremely intense Cougar Football fan with a daddy to pre-schoolers.

"Brink (quarterback) I am going to drive to Pullman tomorrow and spank your bare bottom"

Totally made me crack up!

He's dying that Im bloggin that.

Friday, October 21, 2005

{Vegas Baby}

Sorry for the 5 days of no Blog...I've been a single mom this week, so something had to give and that was the blog. Daddy got home from Vegas last night with a bag full of gifts! Emery loves all things Bling. Mabye that's because she was born in Vegas? Anyway, she's enjoying her gold crown, shiney purple purse and Pink Poker Chips...what else could a girl want. Ty on the other hand...well the picture in the middle is his loot. The King crown he insists is broken and wont wear, the snake that he is so afraid of, and the black poker chips (which he actually likes just wont let mommy take a picture of him holding them). So glad Mike is home!!!

A couple of side notes, emery's messy shirt is from our Red Robin dinner and mountain high Mud Pie we shared after we picked up Daddy.

And, Miss Emery put the snake on the steps when Ty was upstairs...he was so afraid of it I had to move it before he would walk down the stairs. I found Eme with a guilty little smirk on her made me laugh!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

{a sweet one}

Just had to share this sweet picture Billie Luke took of Piper and I at the park.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


That's me today...and feeling blessed.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

More Creating

Okay I am sure the grandmas are wanting to see pics of the kids not my projects...but i've been busy creating....and wanting to share.
This card set was made from the Embellishement kit for Oct. Daisy Bucket. I think I will have to give it as a gift.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

In the Beginning

I just realized I have only done a couple of layouts of Mike and I before were married and had I thought I would share them. Both were done with Daisy Bucket kits.

Monday, October 10, 2005

MIssing Kitty...

Sad news, we have no idea where our little foster kitty went. I took those fuzzy little pictures of him Friday afternoon and we havent seen him since. Not sure if he got out of the garage some how or if he died someplace inside the garage. If it's the later we'll no that soon enough. That would surprise me though, because our garage is warm, he had a cozy bed, food and water. But he was so small...and was beaten up by a who knows. Let's just hope he got out of the house and found another loving home.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

A Little Secret

K...secrets out. I love Bon Jovi!!! Always have...I just try to keep it on the down low. Well, I guess not anymore. But I just had to share the sweet picture of Piper sitting up so pretty rockin out with mommy. It's just Piper and I hang out today. Mike took Em and Ty to the Coug Game. Pipers is sick so we stayed behind. Piper got to catch up with my weeks of saved Oprahs I needed watch. We lucked out...Bon Jovi was on one of those episodes. She even danced a little when he sang! Good Taste Girl!

Really I just wanted to capture Piper finally getting more comfortable sitting up...and ended up giving up a secret. O'well.

Friday, October 07, 2005

All Clean

Here's a couple of pictures of him all cleaned up. He's fast, so I couldnt get a real good one of him.

{The Cat Whisperer}

So my husband has a thing for helpless, homeless little kittens. Doesn't matter how grungy they are...if he can catch them, he brings them into our warm little home, feeds them, cleans them and gives them medicine. Then "eventually" finds them a home. If it wasn't for his wife I am sure the man would keep them all. Well, that's just gross!
Anyway...this little guy, whom my husband has named Gesser (some of you will get that), has been waking us up in the wee hours of the morning this past week. Both he and the neighbor across the street have gone out in their underwear to find the beast that has been howling. Realizing he was way down the street, the both spared the neighbors of seeing them in their skivvies and let him meow. Well our neighbor came knocking yesterday afternoon with a tiny, scroungy little thing wrapped up in a towel. He had found the poor kitty in his Dog's mouth. He has a few pieces missing off of his ear. Yuck. So this is our houseguest till we can find him a home...well garage guest. He's fiesty and I dont want him around the kids.
Anyone want a kitty?

...oh and bathroom is bright Orange and it rocks!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

A Fall Kind of Day

Its a beautiful fall day today. So I found this picture deep in the archives of Miss Emery. She was only about 2 months old when I took it. Sorry it's blurry, my technology was different 4 years ago.
Kind of a low key day today. We are all feeling under the weather, Ty and the baby woke up with runny noses...Eme has been complaining she doesn't feel well...even told her teacher that and laid down on the floor during class. But she sure seems fine now...runny around avoiding her nap!
Mommy has enjoyed the low key day, hanging around on the couch with the kids (although I have a splitting headache). Ty loves to snuggle when he isn't feelin well...and only when he isn't feeling well. So I have to take advantage of those rare moments and snuggle all day with him. We have 3 new books from Emery's book order to read and the Robot's Movie to keep us entertained. A very cute movie with a great some hidden jokes in there that only Mike and I understand. Love that! to indulge emery in some play time. She's set up a wal-mart to go shopping.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

{Fast Talker}

So this morning at 4am after I nursed Piper she lay on the bed next to me not wanting to go back to sleep as she usually does...she lay there playing and chatting. Daddy comes back into bed after throwing our mouthy cat out in the cold, Piper rolls over reaching for him and says....


Now all of my kids talked by 9 months...but 7.5 months...that just seems extremely early. She's been saying Daddy for about a week...and it usually is only when daddy is around. So I'm thinking she may be making the connection. Wow....and why is it that they always say Daddy first {insert sad face from mommy}

Another step she's figured out last night. How do drink from a bottle!! This is big. And for all you Lactivist out was only water :).

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


No this isn't a math lesson. Just a lesson in life. A common sense formula we are trying to be more strict about.
A( Limiting the kids to one sugary treat per day....Preferably after dinner. Also lowering the juice Ty drinks)
+B (mommy going to bed earlier)
=C (happy kids, more patient and productive mommy, less stressed out daddy. All in all a happier family)
So simple....why didn't we try it sooner.

Love this picture I took of my family, last night while I made dinner, playing under our dining room table (it's the tall kind) You cant see, but the cat was playing under it too!

Monday, October 03, 2005

{Missing In Action}

My sister just emailed me wondering if I was okay since she hasn't seen a blog from me since Thursday. Thanks for checking in with me Michelle...and Yes I am okay, just been busy, I guess. I've been creating! Friday night I went Scrapbooking and was really productive. Then Saturday morning I spent a couple hours scanning and submitting at least 12 layouts to the Magazines. We'll see how that goes. I'll share some of those layouts with you in a couple days, after calls go out. If I share them with you...that means they didn't get picked up :). All part of the "Game" as Sherry would put it! I also had some fun Crab Feed invitations to design! Those turned out really cute! Never designed for a crab feed theme before.

Well as you can tell by the picture it was a Cougar Football Saturday. Didn't turn out quite as we would have hoped, Dang Beavers!! Piper looked adorable in her cute Coug Jean Dress her daddy bought her! Looking forward to Saturday's game in Pullman. It's getting chilly here now, the little leaves we have in this town are starting to turn colors and fall.

Oh, and I'll leave you with a quote Ty said this morning that made my heart smile. {running in with big wide eyes as I got out of the shower} "Mommy....let's go to Starbucks"...ahhh, a man after my own heart! Daddy just rolled his eyes.