Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Going for a ride.

Just a quick picture of some play time around the house. And a funny story I have been meaning to share.

The other day Ty and Emery were in the back yard with some of their books "reading" them together. Mike pulls up from work and Ty comes running into the front yard very excited to share something with his dad. "Daddy, guess what were doing?" "What buddy" "We're having bible study". Aww...isnt that sweet Mike thinks, one second later Ty says; "And we're having beer!". Too funny, pretty sure Ty hasnt seen our bible study group throwing down beer. But funny none the less.


Anonymous said...

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! That is too funny. I am glad you posted that here, so in a year or so, when you are reading some of your old posts, you can read that and smaile! Very cute!

Kristie said...

How funny is that!

Anonymous said...

What a kid, how funny. Wonder why he connected those two. I have a feeling he will be the one to come up with many more funny things.
Grandma Beach

Lindsay said...

I'm laughing right now - maybe they could join Mason in the frige!

Cute play-time picture too - love Em's hand on Piper's head!

Anonymous said...

Dying laughing at Ty. Don't you love it when they make you laugh like that?