Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Stair Climber

Its official! We now have a stair climber. Mama can now start freaking out about her tumbling down them. But her progress is something to be proud of. Cant wait to tell her Physical Therapist tomorrow. I found her a couple of stairs up, motivated by the kitty meowing at the top. She was so proud of herself. Now if we can get her to figure out the down part of it.


Anonymous said...

It looks like the little girl is standing on her own now, am I right? She does look pretty proud of herself. I can hardly wait to see her do her stuff.

Anonymous said...

Jill V. told me to put them on their stomach at the top of the stairs, feet first and let them go. We did it with Luke who was 1 year and 5 months when we moved to a house with stairs and he caught on real quick. She is such a little pumpkin.