Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Start of the Christmas Shopping!

I took the whole day to:
1. Get my hair done.
2. Shop around for Laminate Flooring (found it at Costco! Yeah.)
3. Start my Christmas Shopping.

I am fully convinced I am the worst Christmas shopper. Or maybe shopper in general. I went into town (the somewhat "big" town with real stores) with a full list for all of my immediate family members. I walk into the mall and panic slaps me in the face. The crowds, the options, the lights...whatever it is it makes my brain freeze. I loose all ability to make a decision on my own. And any ounce of creativity I had when I walked in the doors stayed out side on the side walk. And my list was no help at all!
I came home with one stocking stuffer for Emery! How disappointing and unproductive.
I did however find our Christmas PJ's. Yes, we are that family who wear matching pj's every Christmas. They only had Pink or Purple in Mikes' size, so we might have to go a different route than the kids. It would be a frozen day in Hell before Mike wore those colors. Actually, I know he'd choose pink over purple. Anyway, I am rambling. Here's the cute shot of the kiddos who had to try them on to make sure they fit. And then there was no getting them off of their bodies, so I broke and let them sleep in them tonight. But just tonight!

Oh and I had to share a cute one Mike got of the girls playing this afternoon. He was trying to sneak up on them so it would be natural. But Piper caught on! Funny, she smiles when daddy is behind the camera...but not mommy.


Anonymous said...

Cute pics of the kids. Love Piper and her "Cheese" for Daddy! I don't know what it is but the whole concept of Christmas shopping makes me tired! I love giving the gifts but the whole task is daunting, I think.

Anonymous said...

sweet jammies! we do the same.
we don't all match, but we always all wear Christmas jammies to bed on Christmas eve.
And, I am with you on the shopping thing. It does the same to me!
At least you are starting now and still have time.

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of sweet cheeks!!

Anonymous said...

So cute. I, who love shopping, also can't seem to make a decision on my own about gifts either. I've gotten just 2 things so far and none of them are for my own family. We don't have much time either.
Michelle Sis

Stacy said...

Cute! I was at the mall this week and couldn't get over the Christmas music, Christmas everywhere-Santa was due to arrive today! WHAT? Doesn't he have a lot of work to do? If not, he should be coming to my house to help me get started!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Sounds like a FUN outing! In the last few years... I have started the "day after Thanksgiving" shopping trip... I LOVE IT!!!! You can take your list.... be really direct... and get GREAT deals. Nothing quite like Starbucks at 4-5am.... done by noon. :-)

Anonymous said...

Somehow I am not surprised that you all dress alike for Christmas. It must be that the "Super family" image from Halloween is still fresh in my mind. What a fun tradition!


Anonymous said...

That is such a sweet picture?
Where did you find those cute p.j's? We do the same thing on christmas eve (the kids and their cousin do) and I am on the hunt for cute jammies early this luck yet!

Love, Les

Lindsay said...

You have beautiful children... love those Christmas pjs!

Anonymous said...

Love the pic of the jammies & kids, although Piper looks kinda "squishy" and unsure of the whole thing!


Anonymous said...

what a special tradition my mom made jammies for her I and shellie and her daughter one year when we went to their house it was fun. you are good to be starting or trying to start your shopping already I wait till the last min.

Melissa said...

You sound like me when I shop. When I dont need anything I spend too much then when I have a list and actually need to buy I come out with a pack of gum. After Thanksgiving there will be great sales though!! Your kids PJ's are CUTE!! Love your friend & Pooper scooper :)

Angela said...

Cute picture! They looks so cozy.