Another Date...
...this time to the 5:30 am...for knee surgery. Yes, I always take my camera on our dates.
Pretty sure Mike wanted to hold up more than just his fist in this picture. Three attempts with the IV (one with a extremely bent needle). Here he is waiting in line in the surgery ward, about to go under the knife, with no IV. Good thing the anesthetologist was a pro at IV insertion, because if not...he may have caught the Hot one from Red!
Minutes out of surgery Mike is back to checking his email....And then calling into to work to help in a technical situation. Never a day off.
Here he is finally resting...with the Fat Cat. Doba is loving having Mike home to sleep with all day. Anyway, the surgery was quick and easy (well so the Doc said.) And Mike is doing well, and get's to rest for the remainder of the week, hopefully.Oh...and the cool part to having to wake up at 5:30 is we saw the Meteorite enter the atmosphere and burn up right before our eyes. The entire sky went from pitch black to bright like the Noon day sun in a matter of seconds. For one of those seconds I thought for sure Jesus was coming back. That would have been cool, then Mike wouldnt have had to have knee surgery ;).
So glad that things went well! Typical guy back checking email as soon as he can! I hope he is able to rest and heal quickly this week!
Happy the surgery went well! Happy recovery!
I can't believe you saw the meteor! How cool is that!
Glad the surgery went well!
I would have loved to have seen that meteorite...what an incredible thing to have witnessed!
Glad all is well leave it to Mike to be checking his e-mail and on the phone. I wish I would have been up to see the meteor.
Glad Mike is laying around... we all need down time, even if surgery is our route! ;-) How cool that you saw the meteorite!!! I was hitting my snooze button... and didn't hear or see a thing. Bummer. Enjoy your week together! :-)
Glad it went well...take care Mike!!
Oh, that would've been so cool to see the meteorite!
So glad it went well. I love that you took pics of everything and for that split second I would of thought Jesus was coming back too!
Glad Mike's doing well. Totally love the pic of Mike and Doba "chillaxin'" on the couch. Something's glowing on Mike, though....flash from the camera?
Yeah for one step closer to a better knee :)
Lucky you seeing the meteorite... I missed it (wish my shower had a glass ceiling... well, maybe not... but that is where I am at 5:30 usually)
Anyway - enjoy the week of recovery Mike!!
You are too funny. Glad he is doing great!!
Would have loved to have seen the meteorite! Lucky you.
Mike- make sure Dohba gets plenty of rest next to you! Seriously though, hope the healing process is quick with a full recovery!
So glad surgery went well! Enjoy your week off...
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