Thursday, September 29, 2005


Had to share this really quick. It's raining outside for the first time in forever. Emery say's "Mamma, can I go lick the rain, I need a drink of the rain." Too cute!

{Black Cat}

Avert your eyes all of you who are are about to see pics of the sweetest big black cat. Doba! He is my sweet, attention loving, loud meowing, mouse eatin kitty. Mike and I have really lucked out when it comes to cats. For the most part all of our cats have been good lap cats and great with our kids. As you can see Doba will take all attention he can get. Even if it is from a ear pulling slobbery 7 month old, or a very inventive 4 year old who thinks its fun to take mommy's belt and make a leash for him. He's so patient with our kids. Even with Ty who loves to tackle him. I just love him, except when he meows at 5 am and at naptime, then he's not feeling so loves as he promtly gets kicked outdoors. How can anyone be afraid of you Doba....(well there was that one time that we had to keep you outside because a overly superstitious guest...silly)

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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

E & T Smackdown

So our neighbors thought it would be fun to clean out their toys and bring them over to give to our kids. They thought it was really funny to unload them to the kids when we weren't looking :). The kids were thrilled. Mommy...well that's another story...I have an issue with the mass amount of toys we have in this house right now. Only because they are EVERYWHERE!!! Anyway, I caught this "play" fighting in the yard when my kids didn't know I was looking (excuse the grainy pics). They were cracking themselves up. Although I knew it would only be seconds before one of them came running in saying "theeeyyy hhhiiitt meeee...). Um, well, yes that's what you do with monster size boxing gloves kids. Daddy told them they couldn't hit each other with them, just mommy. Isn't that sweet ;). Anyway, it was actually very nice to catch them playing so well with each other, even if it was mimicking violence.
*Check out the right hook emery's about to lay on Ty as he is shooting her with a bubble gun.* I swear we don't let them watch violent movies...okay, well maybe the Incredibles.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Roman kind of Girl!

(second post today...making up for lost time)

You Belong in Rome
You're a big city girl with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
- could life get any better?

Got this link to take a fun quiz from Ali Moll's blog. I thought mine turned out perfect. I love's a fun pic of me when I was in Rome...had too short of a skirt to go into the we had to improvise by pulling it down and wrapping a shirt around my waist...funny times.

Some Things Arent Worth Fighting Over...

....And this hair do is one of those "Things". She insisted on wearing these "Wonky" pigtails to school today. One blue rubber band and one black one. Lovely!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Girls Prayer

Tonight before I prayed with Emery I asked "What do you want to pray for"
Emery "Um...Princesses and Shoes"

My kind of girl!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Lazy Photoshop kind of Day

This weekend is the first weekend in forever that we had absolutely no plans. We are loving it!!! I spent much of the day playing on the laptop researching fun ways to make my photo's look more polished...funky effects and just down right professional. Yes, I cheat in Photoshop! I found this fun Plug-In called Midnight Sepia by Dave Jaseck. Gives your photos kind of a sureal, fairytail look. I wanted to show you some samples. The first two are from our trip to Santa Fe last year (cant believe it's been that long). Some of the pictures Mike took to give him props. And the one of the kids is from the fair. Okay so I have a ton more to learn...but heres a start. I ordered a B&W conversion that Amber Ludlow is selling to raise money for the Katrina Victims. I'll show you those samples when I get time to play. Hope you enjoy the before and afters.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Torture By Pumpkin

Just a quicky layout done for the Daisy Bucket Kit with some old pictures i havent done anything with yet. Ty...the weeble! Poor little guy...I think he was about 6 weeks old in these pictures. Emery the ham, was a year.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

{Ballet Dancer}

So...sorry I haven't posted in a few days. But between being sick, having scrapbooking classes to prepare...and just life in general...the blog has been on the back burner. Emery started Ballet last week. She was painfully shy the first day...but this week she was 100% better and mommy got to sit in a chair instead of on the floor next to her the entire class. A couple of little girls in her class go to pre-school with her as well.
The big excitement in our lives happened on Tuesday night. Tuesday after I picked up Emery from school she told me that both Grandma Beach and Jesus lived in her heart. So cute! I think that she associates Grandma Beach (my mom; Beach because she lives on the beach) in her heart because she doesn't get to see her all the time. Well that's the same for Jesus. She wonders how come she just cant go see him like the little children did in the bible story at school. Okay...Doesn't that just make you smile. But kind of hard to explain to a four year old that she will see him in person when she goes to heaven. Really don't quite want to tell her she has to die to see him face to face. We talk a lot about how He can live in her heart, and she can talk to Him and read about Him in the Bible. Anyway, after she told me about Him in her heart, I asked if she understood a little what that meant and if she wanted Him to come into her heart to live. She said yes. So that night when we tucked her into bed Mike talked a little more to her about it and then led her in the sweetest prayer of Salvation. Oh man did I cry (which I'm pretty sure scared Emery a little, she doesn't understand why I cry when I'm happy). The sweetest part was how Mike explained to her how the Angels and Jesus were having a big party with Cake and Icecream up in heaven to celebrate the step she just made. Emery definitely understands parties.
We know that Emery doesn't quite understand to full capacity what that means, but her heart was ready and it is such a sweet step she decided to take. (Besides, aren't we all still growing in our capacity to understand Jesus love for us?) I am so excited to see her little faith and love for Jesus grow. Her pre-school's primary focus is to teach the kids about God's love, with a little ABC's mixed in. I so love that. And it is fun to see what she is already soaking up. Anyway...had to share my daughters little step of faith. Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 12, 2005

Could have been so cute...

But what was she doing with that finger. O' dear, have her brother and sister already taught her bad habits.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Four Years Ago Today

This morning as I lay in bed with my sweet baby Piper I looked up at the clock to see what time it was. Immediately my memory flew back to September 11th 2001. It was the exact same time on the clock. I was laying in bed with my sweet baby Emery, who was only 2 weeks old. Mike got a phone call from the church canceling a meeting he had later that morning...All I heard was Mike making a gasp...then say "" My first thought was that something happened to out Pastor. But then Mike rushed to the TV to turn it on. I watched the towers fall...I laid their feeling hopeless...and so sad that I had brought Emery, this little innocent life, into this world that would never be the same again.
Now four years later...I have two more sweet babies in my family. That feeling of hopelessness and sadness faded although the memory never will. I find hope in the love of my God, my family and friends. Now as we deal with the sadness from down south, I know that God is in control. I may not understand his plan as I am on this earth....but I love Him and know that someday it will all make sense. For now I just trust in my faith, teach my children my faith, and show them all the love I can. Trusting that they will grow in their faith to withstand any sadness or trauma that will come their way.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Farm Kids...

...not really, but we can pretend. Just wanted to share a few cute pictures we took out at Darrin and Angela's yesterday. I love the one of just ty...he looks so little with the vast landscape behind him. My little man.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

{Football Widow}

Yeah...being in a house obsessed with college football, I must play along. Okay...I like to play along. Mike run's his own fantasy football team. And my team is named Football Widow. I thought that was an appropriate name, except for the fact...I really don't feel widowed during this time of year...I like to join in on Mike's Football Passion. Isn't my helmet Tough!!! Mike thought it fit me perfect. He's so darn cute! My team so far after one week is not doing so good. Last year I did really good! The fellas don't like being beat by a chick!! Especially a chick that chooses her players by how cool their names are. Shh...don't tell the boys my secret.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

{School Girl}

This morning was Emery's first day of Pre-school. She did awesome. Was all smiles! When I said goodbye after taking a few pictures she said "Okay" and off she ran. I waited till I was in the car to tear up. Last night it hit me big time, when I tucked her in to bed. There was my sleeping longer can I call her a baby, she's my girl! I cried myself to sleep. Hmm, did'nt think it would hit me like this at all. Miss Catherine is her teacher, and she is really nice, although Emery told me that she told her not to talk. I remember my teacher's saying the same thing to me. Oh dear. I also remember having to go home in different clothing than I came to school in. Weak bladder....well I got to be the mom to pick up her daughter wearing way out of style, 2 sizes too big jeans. Not the cute skirt she went to school it. No she didnt pee her pants...just didnt quite sit far enough back on the sprinkled a little. No biggie. I am still proud of her. I am sure her pre-school experience will give me much more blogging material.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Go Cougs!

Finally have a chance to share a few pics from the first Coug game last Thursday. Piper loved her first game!

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Happy Birthday Ty!

3 years ago today this little man entered our world...

You went from a sweet mellow mamma's boy... our fiesty little 3 year-old who wants nothing to do with mommy

...and everything to do with daddy.

We love you big man. Happy birthday.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

It was a Party!

Here's a group shot of all the kids at Ty and Emery's Party! It was fun. My lowest key party to day...and I like it that way. I don't think I turned "Martha" on Mike once...he may disagree. I so much prefered having it at the park. Alot less work and clean-up! If you can see in the picture most of the kids are wearing Pink or Orange. That was the theme...the kids favorite colors. The kids mostly played. We had a treasure hunt, and then cookies and ice-cream. Didnt the cookies turn out grea. Thanks Jill! Now on to planning next year.