Thursday, September 15, 2005

{Ballet Dancer}

So...sorry I haven't posted in a few days. But between being sick, having scrapbooking classes to prepare...and just life in general...the blog has been on the back burner. Emery started Ballet last week. She was painfully shy the first day...but this week she was 100% better and mommy got to sit in a chair instead of on the floor next to her the entire class. A couple of little girls in her class go to pre-school with her as well.
The big excitement in our lives happened on Tuesday night. Tuesday after I picked up Emery from school she told me that both Grandma Beach and Jesus lived in her heart. So cute! I think that she associates Grandma Beach (my mom; Beach because she lives on the beach) in her heart because she doesn't get to see her all the time. Well that's the same for Jesus. She wonders how come she just cant go see him like the little children did in the bible story at school. Okay...Doesn't that just make you smile. But kind of hard to explain to a four year old that she will see him in person when she goes to heaven. Really don't quite want to tell her she has to die to see him face to face. We talk a lot about how He can live in her heart, and she can talk to Him and read about Him in the Bible. Anyway, after she told me about Him in her heart, I asked if she understood a little what that meant and if she wanted Him to come into her heart to live. She said yes. So that night when we tucked her into bed Mike talked a little more to her about it and then led her in the sweetest prayer of Salvation. Oh man did I cry (which I'm pretty sure scared Emery a little, she doesn't understand why I cry when I'm happy). The sweetest part was how Mike explained to her how the Angels and Jesus were having a big party with Cake and Icecream up in heaven to celebrate the step she just made. Emery definitely understands parties.
We know that Emery doesn't quite understand to full capacity what that means, but her heart was ready and it is such a sweet step she decided to take. (Besides, aren't we all still growing in our capacity to understand Jesus love for us?) I am so excited to see her little faith and love for Jesus grow. Her pre-school's primary focus is to teach the kids about God's love, with a little ABC's mixed in. I so love that. And it is fun to see what she is already soaking up. Anyway...had to share my daughters little step of faith. Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

I figured she would come out of her shell eventually, she looks like she is having fun and she looks so cute expressing herself.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I cried again when I read your blog tonight. . .isn't the faith of the innocent little ones so sweet!

I also loved the pictures of our ballerina!! Can't wait till they have a recital!!!!


Grandma Karen

Anonymous said...

WOW, that just made me smile and I posted on my blog tonight how nothing about my day was exciting. Should have come here first. Now THAT's some good stuff right there!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Emery and Kate are starting ballet at the same time in matching outfits :) Hopefully Emery is a little more coordinated than I think Kate is going to be ;)


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness she is so sweet. Those picures of her dancing are precious. What a special moment to have your child accept Christ. I was totally crying, she is so blessed to have such wonderful parents!
Love, Leslie