Saturday, September 17, 2005

A Lazy Photoshop kind of Day

This weekend is the first weekend in forever that we had absolutely no plans. We are loving it!!! I spent much of the day playing on the laptop researching fun ways to make my photo's look more polished...funky effects and just down right professional. Yes, I cheat in Photoshop! I found this fun Plug-In called Midnight Sepia by Dave Jaseck. Gives your photos kind of a sureal, fairytail look. I wanted to show you some samples. The first two are from our trip to Santa Fe last year (cant believe it's been that long). Some of the pictures Mike took to give him props. And the one of the kids is from the fair. Okay so I have a ton more to learn...but heres a start. I ordered a B&W conversion that Amber Ludlow is selling to raise money for the Katrina Victims. I'll show you those samples when I get time to play. Hope you enjoy the before and afters.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a fun relaxing weekend! Fun Photoshop samples! That whole thing boggles my mind!!

amazing grace said...

love the photoshop filter!!! am going to the link now.....

Anonymous said...

gorgeous.... I love those dreamy photos.