6 random things about Tanya & I.
Okay, so Tanya tagged me exactly one month ago and I am just now getting to it. Sorry Tanya. So I thought I would make some fun of it and do 6 random things about Tanya and I instead of just me. Here we go.
1. Tanya and I have dated two of the same guys.
2. Tanya's brother is close friends with my brother.
3. Tanya was like half my size in high-school, she probably still is.
4. We haven't seen each other in 7 years. WOW!
5. Tanya and I went to a party our sophomore year in high school for like 5 minutes, rumors started to fly and I found out when I was in college that those rumors were the real reason for me not making varsity cheer my junior year. Damn rumors! (im not bitter or anything.)
6. A friend of mine here knows who Tanya is. Everyone from Lynden knows each other. (Tanya remind me to tell you who I am talking about.)