Wednesday, May 30, 2007

6 random things about Tanya & I.

Okay, so Tanya tagged me exactly one month ago and I am just now getting to it. Sorry Tanya. So I thought I would make some fun of it and do 6 random things about Tanya and I instead of just me. Here we go.

1. Tanya and I have dated two of the same guys.
2. Tanya's brother is close friends with my brother.
3. Tanya was like half my size in high-school, she probably still is.
4. We haven't seen each other in 7 years. WOW!
5. Tanya and I went to a party our sophomore year in high school for like 5 minutes, rumors started to fly and I found out when I was in college that those rumors were the real reason for me not making varsity cheer my junior year. Damn rumors! (im not bitter or anything.)
6. A friend of mine here knows who Tanya is. Everyone from Lynden knows each other. (Tanya remind me to tell you who I am talking about.)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

a Mountain of pictures.

We enjoyed a night away at our friend's cabin in the mountains. (i cant really tell you the name of the mountain since I don't know it. But I do know it is in Eastern Oregon :).

The kids loved being out to explore the great outdoors! We don't see tree's like this were we live.
Here's Mike teaching DJ to say "I hate rabbits" if the smoke comes your way. Apparently the kids believed him because we heard them say it all night long. Actually I think i even said it a few times.
The view from where Mike took me on our ride. Perfect for "parking" however there were people around and kids back at the cabin under Larry's no "parking" going on here.

Mama on behind the wheel. Totally took be back to high-school at the Van Rooy's cabin. And Emery on a ride with Larry. We have great neighbors!!

Ty was totally into this helmet and the fact that he could pee anywhere! I did find him a few times on his back not able to get up because his head was too heavy.
And here's the rest of the family on rides. Emery got pretty good driving it.

The only "wild" life I saw. There were some deer and cougar sitings. And the sound of a gun shot during Bear season. This Elk was actually at an Elk farm we drove by on the way home. I kind of wish he wasn't behind the fence...but that's the tree hugger in me. In fact Larry asked me if I wanted to Hug the little evergreens he was cutting down by his cabin. I was tempted :).
Good times, I know the kids will talk about it for a long time.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The House Is Quiet!

All 6 children are asleep. (at least I don't hear Judah downstairs). I love times like these.

This has been a very busy week...but a great one. I have had a house full and a husband gone. Mike has been in Portland all week for training and comes home tonight!!! Yeah!! We have all missed him, especially his little buddy Ty. I am usually kind of lost and overwhelmed when Mike is not here, but this week has been different. I have been so busy I haven't really had time to be bored or lonely. I am however, very excited to have him next to me in bed and not the giant mound of unfolded laundry that my Mother-In-Law helped me fold. Thanks Karen for giving me a night out last night, I didn't realize how much I needed it. I am also thankful for having Judah, Hannah and Zeke has helped us all out more than we would have thought. It kept the kiddo's entertained and me occupied. Michelle and Jason, you have great kids!

Well, that's my post on this blog today...I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of my budding photographers.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ty's End of The Year Recap.

Today was Ty's last day of Pre-School! And Saturday was his last Soccer Game. So I thought I would dedicate this post to him! He's grown so much this year, in so many ways. I just love this little dude.

His Last Soccer Game:

Ty is so proud of his first trophy. It's sitting on his shelf next to all of daddy's trophies.
Ty's last day of Pre-school. A party at our house!

Ty was apparently too cool to wear his hand print shirt...but Piper wasn't. (the sun was in her eyes.)

Some little friends.

And Ty's little sweetheart "Jaydin The Girl" with her puppy.

Last Hugs and "Jesus Love's You" from his teachers. And a last good-bye prayer. I'm going to miss these ladies, they have been a huge impact on Ty's little heart. I'm excited for Piper to have them as her teacher in two years.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Michelle....this is what your kids are doing...

Dance party! So if they come home talking about Cotton Eye Joe it's my fault.

And this is what happens when you are upstairs trying to get the above video on your blog. Ty and Piper are blaming it on Zeke....but I'm not buying that! :) It's animal crackers by the way.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Hi Daddy.

We got our hair cut.

Not me...but I just wanted to say hi too.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Seven Happy Years!

Mike and I got a night away in Bend this weekend to celebrate our 7th anniversary. His boss graciously lent us their town house for the night. It was a beautiful place about 5 minutes from Old Mill town heading towards Mount Bachelor. And thank you Angela for the dinner was delicious!

Here are a few pictures I took with my anniversary gift. Mike got me a new Canon point & shoot. I have been wanting something I can tuck in my purse when it isn't very practical to lug Stella around. (like in July when we are in Disneyland.) I am already loving this camera...his name is Sven. (for several reasons ;) Honey, what do you think of that name?
This is a picture of the little man-made lake or pond we so lovingly referred to as we drove past several times looking for the restaurant. Turns out it is the Mighty Deshutes River. You know...the one God made, not man. We felt a we bit like tourist at that point. :)

On our drive to Bend I told Mike I wished I brought my camera so I could get a shot of this old house in the middle of no-where...I'm pretty sure he was laughing inside at that point knowing I would in fact have a camera to capture it on the ride home.
Well, I have a busy week ahead of me...little munchkins to take care of, three more than usual. And a pre-school party at our house to get ready for. Plus the wedding season and VBS upon us! Hope your week is filled with fun and sunshine! Pray for no rain on Thursday for the party.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Prince & Me Ball

I have been meaning to post this picture of Mike and Emery before they left for the ball. It was a special date night for Em. And they danced all night. Mike said that towards the end of the evening Emery was getting quite bossy, showing dad "how it is done". She's got some moves!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Another Cut for Piper.

This time her brother was holding the scissors. Do they ever learn?

Will I ever learn to keep scissors out of their reach?

The thing is, I was listening to the whole thing...I heard him say "I'm making you pretty Piper." I then said, "Ty you better not put gel in her hair."

"oh I'm not mamma..."

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

To my mom, my mother-in-law, my sisters, my friends and all the mother's in my life. Love you! I have officially started getting the school projects gifts for mother's day and I love it.
A little lady bug from Emery and a painted red heart pin from Ty. I will cherish them forever, just like my mom still cherishes the macaroni necklaces and ash tray I made her. (No she never smoked, but it was the 70s so I think the teacher's assumed every mom did.)
As I type this I am sitting on my couch playing with the computer while my husband and kids clean the house!! I think this is the first time I have sat here "guilt free" watching Mike clean. And Oh how I love it when he cleans. The serious White Glove treatment. Under the fridge, on top of the fridge, wine rack cleaned in the dishwasher, couches moved to find the toys I usually just kick under in a pinch, books taken out of their basket and the basket cleaned, frames get a wipe down and the list goes on. I am feeling spoiled.
Hope you are all enjoying your day!

Friday, May 11, 2007

2 & 28

2 Monster Spider Bites
28 Mosquito Bites.

2 things I never thought would be a hazard about being a photographer. But I guess when you are shooting at dusk at the nature trails before they start the spraying for the season, it's bound to be a part of the job description.

Just wanted to give you an update on my Photography business since I started last month. I have been book pretty much solid and it has been fun! And a huge learning experience.

My summer dates are filling up quickly! I know there are a few of my blog friends who have expressed interest in sessions this summer. I would suggest getting them on the books. Between sessions already booked and all our busy travel plans I think my summer will go quick.

And for any of my friends in Seattle, I am tentatively planning a trip up there for the week of June 10th through the 16th. So if your interested I can probably do a couple of shoots during that week. I do need to say the trip is tentative though, there's a slight chance it may be a tad overwhelming to be gone the week before VBS. (Lindsay is cringing right now ;)

Well, this has been a boring post, but Im trying to nail down my summer agenda. I cant believe it is almost here!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

It's Hot Out!

Okay Mom, i realize you have some concerns about back yard pools and our safety, but this might be taking it a tad far.

(my attempt to mess around with a way over exposed photo. She looked too cute to trash it.)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

AVAST ME HEARTIES...thar's gold in them fields!!!

On a sunny day in ye ol town me first mate Emery was out playin when she stumbled upon something...


Second mate Ty was just as surprised to finally discover a map to the hidden loot

"Shiver me timbers Cap'n...we've found the map!"

When Cap'n arrived home, he discovered his mates dressed and ready for treasure hutin by me proud beauty Miss Shannon

We set off on the hunt searching for the hidden swag always on the lookout for scurvy pirates that might send us straight to Davey Jones' Locker

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum (empty)

Aye, it was Ty that first spotted the to unlock the riches we seek

We traveled afar, with our two best scouts as lookouts for scruvy dogs

Piper's favorite word this day was "Arrgggg", a fine mate to be

X marks the spot, the treasure is near

Cap'n had his two best lads dig for the gold, and yo and behold they struck it rich!

First the key and the trusty ol' lock


Loot fit for a king, hidden by pirates on the run, and disovered by some salty ol' dogs in constant search of the treasure so often spoke of by ye Cap'n. A long search was finally over, now to keep the three young pirates from fighting each other for possession of the booty!