Monday, August 25, 2008

Twas the Night Before School Starts....

...and all three of my babies are tucked snug in their beds. It's 8 o'clock. School Year Bed Time!

I thought I was doing really well today emotionally that is. Aside from waking up with a nasty cold or something and therefore not getting any of my to-do's for my housework done today. I was starting to really feel good about the kids going off to school. No tears. That was until bed time prayers. When Mike started in on thankfulness for all the summer events and then praying specifically for each of the kids school year...That's when I lost it.

All this emotion this year is really surprising me. See...I have always looked forward to year when each of my kids was in school at the same time (even if only for a few hours for the little ones). But man...i sure am going to miss their little buns. Especially my little mans. Not that I love him more...of course not. But he is just my little home body. I thought he would dread going off to school. But he bounced around his new classroom today when he met his teacher and then told me when we returned to the car how excited he was for school. I secretly wish he wanted to stay home with me more. Oh I am praying I don't loose it in the classroom tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow I will start setting my alarm for 6:45 am on a regular basis. I haven't had to do that folks in nearly 7 years! This new start time should be interesting.

Okay, and for a bonus tip for the day: When you are sick with head congestion that feels like you're an orange being squeezed for Dole, don't paint your walls....

for this is what will happen....beware it is a frightening picture.

Yes...that's primer right in my eyeball. How I handled grabbing the camera and taking a picture before rinsing it out I dont know. It's the obsessive blogger in me I guess.

off to take theraflu!


Lindsay said...

Blessings to you - "primer in the eye-ball girl" as you begin yet another adventure in the life of WINK!

Hope the thera-flu works for you!

Kristie said...

send over some of that thera-flu! I'm also blessed with some bug right now and I DO NOT have time to be sick!!

Excited for our little bugs tomorrow!! THanks to the new start time I get to walk my kids to school every day for the first time!!:) (Also hoping I don't lose it in the classroom tomorrow too!)

sorry about the primer...sad to admit I have done that myself!!

Leslie said...

Thinking and Praying for you today dear freind! Love you!

PS. My pictures came in the mail yesterday and I LOVE them all!

Anonymous said...

You paint like your big sis!! I got my hair cut the other day and she said, "you've been painting?" But I haven't painted in 3 months!!! I could never get the paint out of my hair. How do the walls look?

Amanda said...

Poor girl! Hope you feel better soon!

Angela said...

Okay that had to of hurt!

Hoping we are both feeling better by this weekend!

Michelle said...

Our household has some kinda bug, too! Sucks to start this early in the year. Hope today is looking better!