Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tonight I am Thankful For...
- My Sweet Little Boy who stayed Brave and calm even when his mama was in a puddle of tears.
- Neighbors who will take my kids at a seconds notice.
- Friends who show up at the hospital for support...even when I didnt know I needed it. But I really did.
- A Hospital that is so close to our house.
- The fact that what wardrobe you are wearing doesn't really matter when you show up to the ER at 9pm. Good things since I was wearing my super cute Modbe cap-sleeve with my pink and grey flannel pj pants and my metallic silver flats. Lovely.
- That all the gory ER drama happened when Ty and I were in the back being seen by the Doc. But apparently David & Suzanne got a good show.
- That this time it was just a local allergic reaction.
- That I will be prepared next time with Epi-Pens on the chance it progresses to something worse.
- That we are now home in our cozy home waiting for Daddy who is trying to get home from Pullman as fast as he can.
- That we all have the sense of humor to someday be able to tease Ty relentlessly for how HUGINORMOUS his lips are right now! He keeps asking me why I have to take pictures of it ;).
See below post if you are wondering what this is all about.
Posted by Shannon at 10:29 PM 17 comments
Damn Wasp!
Excuse my french, but I hate them. I hate how many there are here. I hate how aggressive they are at this time of year. And I hate how they hurt my baby boy....right on the inside of his lip. Just an innocent little drink out of his orange pop...and the wasp sent this house into a few moments of intense panic. I have never heard that kind of scream and fear out of this little mans mouth...in turn sending me into a mama freak-out. However, my need to get him to calm down fast in turn calmed me down as well. Although, I will be watching him like a hawk until this lip gets down to a reasonable size again.
Posted by Shannon at 7:21 PM 6 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
I'm not one to forward on emails...especially ones that generally are false and out there just as a scare tactic and to bog down the Internet...just like a virus would. But this one is just needing to be stated!!! Especially to mama's with little girls. With all the crap coming out of China I will be looking closely at everything purchase from now one. No offence to my Chinese brother's and sister's....but seriously...why is this country not checking every single thing that comes in?!!
Posted by Shannon at 9:41 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Cleaning Out My Links
Just wanted to give fair warning. I will soon be taking down the links on my sidebar for all my friends blogs. Not that I dont love them dearly...but the list keeps growing and I can not keep up with it. Also, it's a small effort to keep some of my friends who want to remain a little more private, do just that.
So if you visit some of my friends blogs often and want to continue to do so...Please Save Them To Your Favorites! It's easy to do. Click on the link to take you to their blog. Then click on the Favorites Link up near the tool bar and Add To Favorites.
Posted by Shannon at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Rainy Game
What do you do when you drive 3 hours with 5 children only to find yourself sitting in a rainy, uncovered stadium? Drop a pretty penny on sweatshirts, fill their little hands with candy, stick on poncho's, send the toddler off to the car with his grandma...And then there's peace & happiness. Go Cougs!
Now if only I had bought a cougar clip for Emery's hair....ugg, nothing drives me more crazy then bangs in the face!! It apparently doesnt bother her one bit!
Posted by Shannon at 11:43 AM 3 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tired & Lame
those are the new descriptive words about me. Feeling guilt for not blogging. Im sure there is something facinating to blog about...but Im too tired to think of it.
Off to bed now...i love fresh clean sheets!
Posted by Shannon at 9:48 PM 9 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
That would be the word I was thinking of in my One Word, One Drink post.
A word my husband used to describe me to his brother after he fell for me ;).
Posted by Shannon at 10:20 AM 5 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Calling All Wild Life Experts...
Posted by Shannon at 10:07 PM 15 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Cheap Entertainment!
Posted by Shannon at 3:11 PM 8 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
One Word. One Drink
Okay, I am following the lead of some of my other blogger friends and doing the One Word Post...but adding to it a little more.
Please reply with a comment. In the comment line, please leave one word that comes to your mind that describes me.
(and here is my add on) Please also leave your coffee of choice, be specific! (or other drink.)
(crystal I know your laughing at this right now ;)
Here is my answer for myself:
Grande Americano with Cream
*oh and to make it more interesting. I have another word in mind that someone has once discribled me as. If anyone guesses it you get your drink!
Posted by Shannon at 10:30 AM 25 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Celebrating...with Art, Excersize & Friends
Mike and I stressed all summer long over what to do for the Kid's birthday celebrations this year. Okay, I probably stressed...but neither of us could decide what to do until about a week before invites needed to go out. Every year we have done a joint party for them. A big old thang that pretty much the whole town is invited to. We love to celebrate and have always enjoyed the big event. But this year we felt it was time for them to have individual celebration. I am so glad we went this route. I can tell they both felt special on their big day.
However, doing two parties meant cutting way back on the invite list. We chose activities that had requirements on the maximum amount of kids we could take. This was harder for Mike and I than the kids I think. But it had to be done. Im totally babbling...
Ty's Rock Climbing Party.
We took Ty, his sisters and a handful of little men to climb at the Rock Wall. So fun! And I highly recommend it because the place does everything for you. We just had to show up!
Emery was loving it! She surprised us with her mad climbing skills. Pip on the other hand preferred the squishy floor.
Some of the Big Boys had to try it. We had a talk before to Ty about how the climbing wasnt a competition. He didnt have to go high if he didnt want to. We didnt want him to feel bad on his special day if some of his buddies climbed higher than he...and some did. But there was no convincing these guys that it wasnt a competition. I think BJ will be taking Darrin to lunch some time this week :)
Even Mama and Shoshana made it up a few feet. I actually want to go back and try it for myself. Dilly Boy was a natural spiderman.
Emery's Celebration:
Posted by Shannon at 8:18 AM 13 comments
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Celebrating...with family.
Posted by Shannon at 10:05 PM 7 comments
Saturday, September 06, 2008
You Know It's Cougar Football Time When...
...your going through the drive thru at taco time and your husband has to return and exchange his straw because it was purple.
...you ask your husband to get drop clothes for the painting project. It takes 3 stores before he finds ones that are not "husky" brand. Of course they were more expensive and ended up being 18x18 inch squares...not an 18 foot clothe. Oh if I just had a picture of him trying to cover his brand new hugenormous tv with those tiny squares.
All for the Pride of the Crimson and Grey!
And we are off to the game today.
GO COUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Shannon at 8:36 AM 10 comments
Friday, September 05, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Wedding Photographers
(she's gonna kill me for this!)
This is what two people look like at midnight after driving 3.5 hours, walking 3.5 miles to find food then shooting a wedding for 8 solid hours. Haven't laughed this hard in a long time. Thanks Angela for being my second. (that sounds really demeaning doesn't it?)
oh, and those are some pearly whites you have sissy, but why does your head look so much bigger than mine? And where are our eyes?
Posted by Shannon at 10:17 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Ty's Day!
My little man was really looking forward to his special photo shoot with mommy. But that doesn't necessarily mean he was a perfect little subject. With his excitement...plus his little personality, and all the new places we went...came much distraction. Plus...he thinks it's fun to ham it up for the camera. I did definitely get his little personality though. At least the one he shows those of us he feels safe with at home.
Love you my little goof ball 6-year-old! Happy Birthday!
Oh, and I am putting up more on the photo blog as well as in his own gallery at
Posted by Shannon at 1:51 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Her Turn!
And She Wasn't Scared One Bit!
And of course the ever entertaining Ashley...I just know we will hear some cute stories this year out of this little one's mouth!
Posted by Shannon at 3:42 PM 9 comments