Friday, July 21, 2006

Blueberries, A Swim Suit and A Towel...

The Blueberries in the title obviously go along with these cute pictures I took of the kiddos picking in the wee hours Thursday morning. Okay so it wasn't really the Wee hours, although we did hit the road by 7:30 am. We had had fun with Grandma, the Tuckers and their grandson Zack, whom Emery followed around everywhere.

As far as the Swim Suit and the Towel of title go; 2 things you don't want to be caught wearing as you and your family, happily stopped at a red light after a trip to the river, are slammed into by an idiot! Yup, that would be me, standing for an hour in the middle of the main highway that runs through our town in my swimsuit with a towel wrapped around my waist. Lovely! All joking aside, I would say it was the worst accident by far I have been in. The idiot was trying to swerve in between our van and another car in the lane next to us to make the light but ended up hitting us both. It came without any warning. The scarriest part by far, is the split second after being hit, the fear welling up as I knew I had to turn around to see if my babies we safe or not. What a horrible feeling. Safe and Sound they are, but shaken. We are all a bit shaken, and sore. Our cute little cougar sport'in mini-van however, is not safe and sound. Towed to the nearest lot waiting it's fate. We are thinking it will be totaled. We'll see.

Well, Im loaded up on advil and benedryl and off to bed. Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it. I am so glad that you guys are okay.

Anonymous said...

Holy Cow Shannon...
So, So, So Glad you are all O.K...
What a scary feeling, I can imagine. Thank god you are O.K. and hope the idiot had insurance! :)

Kristie said...

So sorry guys! But so glad that everyone is okay! God has a plan and I know that He will come through for you! Please let us know if we can help out in anyway.

I bet the other driver was a Husky fan and went crazy when he saw the Coug head on the back of the van!;)

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't really like hearing about you being in an accident espcially on your blog. No doubt you will all be a little sore today and in the days to come. I am so glad nothing worse happened.
It would have been a good layout if you took pictures of yourself in the bathing suit, towel and standing in the middle of the street. I am so sorry about the van too I hope this person has good insurance. Was Grandma Karen with you in the van?
Will call you,
Love, Mom

Michelle said...

OH My! When did the accident happen? You always hear to wear clean underwear "in case"... but this is a new one! :-) I am so glad that you are all ok!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your accident, but glad that you and the kids are A-OK!! Car accidents are the worst and can be scary, to say the least.


Lindsay said...

Oh Man! that's it... OH MAN!
just had to say it :)
Thankful for God's protection... and on a lighter note - I bet you were very thankful that you had a towel :)

Anonymous said... sorry to hear about this, although very thankful that everyone is ok. I think I might have called him more than an "idiot."

Take it easy, the 2nd day is supposed to be a little worse.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Shany! How scary that must have been! I am so glad that you are all okay and I hope that you are feeling well! I will call you soon and check up on you guys.
Love, Leslie

Anonymous said...

Wow, I know how scary that is. I'm so glad everyone is fine. After our accident that totaled our car a few years ago, Luke would talk about the "stupid idiot" who hit us. It really shook him up.
Funny about the swimsuit though. I will definitely think about that the next time I need to make a quick run and am wearing mine, that would be awful.
Sis Michelle

Tracy said...

Shan - I am just getting caught up on your blog! Holy cow! I am so sorry this happened. I think getting in an accident is one of the worst feelings in the world ( I know from many experiences, unfortunately). I'm thinking about you! Love you! Jinx