Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Hard Mommy Moment

This morning I went through one of those things that most moms have to go through at some point in their life. It was much harder than I ever thought it would be. On Sunday, Ty stole a toy from the nursery at church. We realized it yesterday and he admitted to pocketing it. So I told him in the morning we would be going back to church and he would return it and have to apologize for taking it. This morning he actually reminded me about it, so off we went with Spiderman in tow. I prepared him before we went in that he needed to say "I am sorry for taking the toy". He said he understood. But when we got in there, the whole church staff was in a meeting and I had Ty give the toy back to Dorothy our Children's Ministry Leader. But he clammed up and would not say Sorry. She took him out of the room away from everyone else to see if that would help. It did not. He just would not say "Im sorry". See, Ty has a hard time expressing himself when he is upset. He just closes down...it's so sad to see. Its something I am hoping we can break him of, because it is not something that will help in his relationships in the future. Anyway, after quite a while of Dorothy talking with him about how important it is to ask for forgiveness, he still wouldn't say the words. I sat there so sad, tears streaming down my face. Its not like I could beat an apology out of him, although I threatened it ;). I even asked if he wanted me to get daddy involved. I was just feeling so helpless. I took him outside and talked with him about how I apologize to him if I do something wrong to him, and had him practice saying he was sorry. We finally went back into church and he said he was sorry to Dorothy. I was so thankful it was Dorothy he was talking to and not some manager from Walmart. She has raised 3 very good boys and she was so patient with him. Some dude from Walmart would just say..."awe that's okay, dont do it again" instead of talking about importance of not stealing and asking for forgiveness.
Anyway, it was rough, I am pretty sure he wont be doing that again. I am still surprised by my reaction...sitting there crying like a baby over my little thief of a boy.


Anonymous said...

I'm crying too. . .so glad you were able to help Ty take the toy back and to say he was sorry. I'm sure he was, just couldn't say it. Praise God for Dorothy and her patience and understanding.

Thank you for teaching Ty such an important lesson even though it was hard for you.

Grandma Karen

Angela said...

You are such a great mom.

Kristie said...

Good mamas always cry! Next time he will be braver and be able to express himself better. Just him reminding you of it means that he understood that he had done something wrong. You have done the best thing you could have for him.

Anonymous said...

Okay now that I am totally crying! What a great lesson you are teaching him. I can still remember when I was little and I would have to call babysitters to apologize for being naughty when they were b-sitting me! I sure learned my lesson too!

And by the way, your arms look buff!
Love, Leslie

Shannon said...

Okay Les, I am loving that you think my arm looks buff. However, its an illusion. In all honesty that would be my flab pushed up in just the right spot to imply that there is actually a muscle in my arm ;).

Lindsay said...

Thanks for sharing - I know that I will be experiencing the same thing someday and will remember how you handled it!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Major goosebumps! You are such a very, very good mommy. If it were Deven, I would have done the EXACT same thing, including sitting there crying. That is such a very, very hard situation. I am so, so very glad you posted this. It makes me feel good to know that there are other kids out there so much like Deven and that you handled it the same way I would have. You Rock!

Michelle said...

you did great! Been there... done that! It is hard... but a VERY important lesson to learn. By the way... great picture... so precious.

Anonymous said...

Shan~I speak to you as an old friend and as a juvenile probation officer...if there were more moms like you....well I might be looking for work. Thank you for doing the hard thing!!!

I'm proud of you!
p.s. i totally thought you looked buff too.