Friday, December 29, 2006

A Year in Pictures!

I probably wont be able to post til New Years Day or the day after. I am starting a busy weekend of travel. But I wanted to share with you some of my favorite pictures of 2006. I had a 8x8 coffee table book made up for the grandparents for Christmas. Here are the pages. (they were all cropped down to a square image.) They look a little strange because I have been cleaning out files and erased all the photoshop files so I had to save from my Shutterfly account. Love Shutterfly by the way! If you ever want a great gift idea this is the way to go! Anyway hope your year was filled with mush happiness...and tons of pictures!!! :)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Morning.

The before shot of our living room.
This was taken on Christmas Eve after the kids were fast asleep all snug in their beds as visions of a Seahawks helmet danced in one of their heads.

Ty was all about getting a Seahawks helmet. He told Santa twice, as well as asking his Sunday School helper (Dave Smith) if he could call Santa to let him know as well.
Piper was all about Elmo. The Elmo Chair she got kind of freaked her out when it would wiggle and giggle as she tried to sit down.
And Emery got a variety. Sleeping Beauty Dress, Scrapbooking Supplies, etc.

This year the kids got a bunch of games or Toys that need assistance. It is a great reminder to us to take the time to sit down and play with the kids!
Hope you are all enjoying your toys as well!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve

I think that Christmas Eve is my favorite! All the buzz and last minute prep, Candle Light service at church, dressing up in Christmas best, dinner at our house with family, a cake for Jesus' B-day and the kids opening one present. I just love it!

Emery got a little baking practice in with mommy, which was good since she had an Easy Bake Oven under the tree.

Ty in his very first Tie! If you can not tell by his smile, the boy knew he looked good. It was a big boost to his confidence and it showed all evening. He couldn't wait to show his new outfit to his friends at church and he even shook some of the men's hands. (this is a big one for him, we have been working on this.)

I think this is one of my most favorite pictures I've taken and just had to share it!

The kids did great being subjected to Stella all night. I prepared them. They knew the new duds involved a photo shoot.

And my sweet sugar plums!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Wishing you all a happy time with family and friends. I'll blog again after Christmas, but for now time for the fun and festivities.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

He's A Funny Dude!

Obsessed with his new dress socks and shoes!

This was fun taking the goggles off...

all sweaty and sticking to his eye sockets!

Just to Clarify

Shannon Snyder Photography...well, isn't. I just wanted to make that clear. I haven't launched anything officially. The thought of that frightens me. I have so much to learn about photography and the business side first. Not saying it wont happen, but for now...let's just keep it unofficial ;). Yes, I have done photo shoots for friends, and yes I do have it up on my Defining Details Site that if you are ordering custom designs from me, and need a picture for it, I can be hired.

But for now I am getting hives with the thought that people might actually think I am starting a photography business. :).

(now saying that...maybe someday...just let me get over the hives first.) Oh, and the logo was created to protect some of my images I upload onto photography sites for critique.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Tree Hugger

This tree makes me feel loved. I just want to hug it!
For those of you who may not see their might be on the other side of the tree.

Little Navea.

Yesterday I had my very first Paid, Non-friend Photo-shoot. Little Navea. She is Pipers age and her mommy has been a customer of mine for about a year. It went well. It is always a bit nerve racking going on location to shoot someone or a family. Not knowing the light you will be faced with, since right now I work with only Natural light. Not only because it is the best to work with...but also because I am afraid of the harshness of flash. (need some lessons there.)

We started out in their back yard then to a local Furniture store where Mommy works. What an awesome place to shoot pictures, aside from florescent lighting. But over all...she was a busy little girl who didn't really want to smile...but her eyes were captivating...and worth every shot.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our Nativity

Thought you would all get a kick out of this one. It was taken at Family Night at Ty's school. It cracks me up.
Also, wanted to share a cute little story with you. (mainly so I don't forget it someday). I was down at the bottom of the steps cleaning or something...and up in the family room Ty and Emery were watching Mickey Mouse Christmas. I heard Mickey saying some along the lines of "Christmas is about love." Then I heard my sweet little boy's voice correcting Mickey..."No, Christmas is about Jesus!". I smiled...I then heard Emery tell Ty he was right (which is rare) and then say...But Jesus is Love, Love is it's about love too." Makes a Mama proud to know my kids are getting it. Even amongst the presents, lights...and their parents perpetuating the whole Santa lie. :)