Our Nativity
Thought you would all get a kick out of this one. It was taken at Family Night at Ty's school. It cracks me up. Also, wanted to share a cute little story with you. (mainly so I don't forget it someday). I was down at the bottom of the steps cleaning or something...and up in the family room Ty and Emery were watching Mickey Mouse Christmas. I heard Mickey saying some along the lines of "Christmas is about love." Then I heard my sweet little boy's voice correcting Mickey..."No, Christmas is about Jesus!". I smiled...I then heard Emery tell Ty he was right (which is rare) and then say...But Jesus is Love, Love is Jesus...so it's about love too." Makes a Mama proud to know my kids are getting it. Even amongst the presents, lights...and their parents perpetuating the whole Santa lie. :)
Oh Shany that is so sweet! I totally got all teared up, what a proud thing for a Mama to hear!
You're children are blessed to have you and Mike as parents.
Love the picture too!
Love, Les
Shanny that is priceless... You both are amazing parents. Love the photo.
Awesome! Love the picture! Future leaders of our church!:) Love it!
It seems like such a profound thought for a 5 y/o to understand, but it's also so very simple, isn't it?! God is so good!
Love the family pic!
That is a RIOT!!!
You better scrapbook this one!!! :-)
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