Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Activities

Easter weekend was filled with:

Three Egg Hunts (way too much candy)

Bouncy Castles.

Face Painting

Egg Coloring

Petting Zoo

Pony Rides

It was a packed weekend filled with lots of fun. But to be honest...at tad empty. I feel like I got lost in the "commercialized" part of this holiday and missed an opportunity to really celebrate the magnitude of what Easter means to me. This has always been my favorite holiday...but I missed it this year for some reason. I guess I was so wrapped up in making it fun for the kids that I forgot WHY we celebrate. Not fair to God, not fair to me, not fair to my kids.

Sorry for a buzz kill of an Easter post. This is just what's on my heart right now.
And I didn't get pics of the kids in their outfits this year either because I was at church doing nursery duty and by the time I got home they were in their play clothes. But then again, it's not about the clothes either :).


Anonymous said...

I am feelin' ya!
We didn't even buy Easter clothes this year. I just came too quickly. But, it is true, it's not about the clothes that they wear. I say, celebrate the REAL reason for Easter, next weekend. Better late than never!
Hope you are enjoying Spring Break!

Lindsay said...

I like Misty's comment...

and I know that He appreciates being celebrated each and every day - whether it's Easter or Christmas or just a plain ordinary Wednesday!!

There is hope, life, joy & love because of HIM!!

Anonymous said...

I hear you, but some of the best memories I have are of Easter egg hunts! You're teaching your kids about God every day, don't be too hard on yourself.

Michelle said...

I love your heart! What a blessing that you feel that sense of dissatisfaction and grief... a longing to know and love Jesus more. Bless YOU!!

Leslie said...

Looks like a fun filled weekend! But I so hear ya on the doing too much! That was us this year as well! At least you had some great memories for you kids to remember!

Kristie said...

My mom wanted to take Piper home with her. She thought she was the CUTEST little thing when she was on her pony ride!:)

Just wanted to share that with you!

Tanya said...

Looks like it was a beautiful weekend where you live... I think you demonstrated the meaning of Easter fully by taking the time to enjoy and love on your family through your activities... which is exactly what we are doing during this holiday... celebrating Christ's love for His "family" as He sacrificed for all of us on the cross.

For the last two years my kids have not been around, and oh what I would give to be able to have a weekend like yours with my family. You are an amazing mom....and I am certain God isn't dissapointed at all with how you spent your time! Blessings to you Shan!

Angela said...

Love the egg coloring pics!