Saturday, March 08, 2008

Living in Happy Filth

I am journaling this for me…to process something that I’ve been living through for quite sometime now. So don’t feel like you need to comment or give advice. I’m not really looking for that. I’m just looking for a way to get through the filth.

So I know this sounds like it may be some major drama happening in my life…but it’s really not. It’s laughable and serious all at the same time. Serious only because I have let it affect my outlook on life, emotions, mental stability, family and most of all how I view myself. So the drama I am talking about is…my constantly messy home. There I said it.

I am sitting here on my couch stained with peanut butter and snot, watching my baby girl play so well with her brother’s pirates. There are dozens of foam stickers displayed so beautifully on my front window to accent the fingerprints and dog slobber. The cat is perched on the white window ceil that I Cloroxed down just yesterday only to find tiny paw prints and a layer of fur on it today. There are cookie crumbs on the coffee table from last nights treat daddy so lovingly made for the kids. I look out the back window at Maverick. The window I am sure I wiped down not too long ago and now I can barely see my sweet puppy staring at me through all the sticky prints and wet doggy nose smudges.

I am listing all these filthy things going on in my house right now (and that’s not even counting the bathrooms) and all of them come from “Happy Moments” (aside from the bathrooms ;). The art on the windows; a moment of expression for my girls. The puppy and paw prints; from our love of little animals. The cookie crumbs from a night with daddy while mama was out with friends. And there are so many more to list. I can sit here and think logically “these are all good things and I can clean them later.” And quite honestly I think that way a lot. But then it bubbles up more often than not lately. ANXIETY, GUILT, SELF HATE. I find myself saying “you suck as a housekeeper, you’re lazy, you have no drive, your friends think you’re a slob, your husband and kids deserve better.” I find myself feeling really guilty about the success of my photography business and the amount of time during the day I put into it rather than scrub the dirt off the moldings.

WAH WAH WAH…That is how I sound right now. I don’t like it, who I am, always feeling guilty and stressed because my house is messy. I don’t like that I broke down last night taking to my girlfriends about it. Although they all completely understood. I don’t like that I have no drive to keep it clean and tidy. Although I have more drive in the world to keep studying the process of taking a good picture.
Seriously!!! Are my priorities off? I would say Heck Yes if I was thinking I didn’t have drive for playing with my kids, loving them, taking care of them. But thankfully that’s not the case. I just can’t keep my tiny house clean and it’s driving me to the point of a nervous breakdown.

STOP: A break in the story. Emery just came in with dirt all over her shoes…dripping water from a cup she is taking back out side to play with. “We are having fun mom. We are being scientist with wet dirt.” That right there is part of the reason I have a constant messy house. But there is no way I want to squash the very imaginative game her and her brother are playing without fighting all for the sake of spotless floors!

So why do I let the dirt and clutter eat at me so much internally. Answer; because I listen to the above lies about myself and believe them. And therefore get stuck there. Stuck as an unmotivated house keeper who thinks she sucks so why bother. Then comes more dirt, then guilt, then anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle.

Two nights ago I woke up with the weight of 6 loads of laundry on my mind and more literally on the floor around my bed. When I wake up in the middle of the night feeling stressed, I either get up and make a list or pray. This night I chose to pray…pray that God would take the anxiety away so I could sleep and it finally hit me. All the negative things I have been thinking. Those things don’t come from God! I know this, have always known this, but why did it just hit me like a ton of bricks. God does not tear down…He’s not the one trying to get me to feel guilty about my lack of domestic drive. Satan is the prince of lies…the king of cutting me down. DUH! All this time I’ve been dealing with filth, guilt, laziness, self hate, and anxiety…and that is exactly where Satan wanted me. STUCK! DEPRESSED! STRESSED! What a jackass. (Satan, not me)

So I sat there praying that God would help me not to listen to the lies. And I felt a weight lifted. I still know I need to pray this daily, I still know I need to find balance with keeping a cleaner house and still letting “Happy Filth” happen. I need to force myself out from the mindset of “I’m creative so I am prone to messes” I need a housekeeper ;).

Vent over.


Kristie said...

Know you are heard!

Know you are loved!!

Know that God is the way!!!

:)just couldn't not comment...

Leslie said...

I just cant comment either! Shan I love you just the way you are! I always love coming to visit you, it feels so relaxing and "homey" being at your house! Love you dear friend!

Angela said...

I completley agree with Leslie!!!
I love you JUST the way you are! and I love feeling so relaxed at your house. I feel so comfortable there.
Your kids are so lucky to have you as a mommy! And I am SOOOO very LUCKY and BLESSED to have you as my dear friend!

Love you!

Stacy said...

Can't resist the comment on this one (sorry)....I love how you found your way to God in this and recognized Satan and his lies. You're so right, he can't get your heart, so he's going to go after your mind. Don't let him...keep praying. And just a tidbit-I LOVE it when I get to see someone else's house messy! I love to comment, "Oh, good, you do live here!" So, I've resolved that there will be rare times when I work really hard to get it all together. But, for the most part, it's a mess. I'm going to e-mail you a picture of my bedroom...we had guests last night so all the crap is in my room. Love you....and get you!

Anonymous said...

Okay this is from your Mom, on the funny side I just cracked up with your journaling and you know how I laugh, Dad kept asking me what is so funny? Maybe it's because I can visualize it. I am sure you got the messy gene from me, have you seen our basement lately? You should be speaking at Women of Faith, so many women would relate to you because you are so real. I am sure your honesty has a dual purpose, one for you and one for others who relate to your situation.
I know you will figure this out in your way with the Lord, you already have a good start on it.
I also know you don't want imput but on the practical side, I say with the business going so well, hire a housekeeper and someone to help with the wash, many people do that all the time and it is OKAY in my book, you can't do it all and you are no less the mother and wife for it.
You are loved.

Robyn said...

Just had to say I know how you feel...been there...many times! :-)

Tanya said...

Hey Shan! On the flip side of your rant is me.....being an anal housekeeper produces the same feelings you have for not being enough of one.....there isn't a lot of joy in putting an emphasis on a clean house either, trust me, I miss out on the "important" things in life because of it, which causes me the same kind of guilt, shame, self destructive thoughts, etc. I am less of a mother because of it. In the end, its not the one with the cleanest house that wins, its the one that has allowed their kids to be kids and has raised them in the likeness of God our Father! Blessings to you, my friend(whom I miss)

Anonymous said...

Amen Sister, I only know 2 people in my life who actually have spotless houses, the rest are like us!! It's o.k.!!!

the Miller's said...

In not so many years your house will be crumb, snot, handprint and mess free. Why? Because your kiddos won't be there :( Keep enjoying those babies and all the mess that they make!! (by the way, I too always struggle with it, so it's much easier to say it then to live it)

Michelle said...

I totally love you, Shannon! I have always envied that part of you that is comfortable in your own skin... that you are relaxed about the mess and just letting your kids be kids. I wish I was more relaxed... cause my house is almost always a mess AND I am a grumpy mom about it. I feel like my family gets the worst of both worlds. I have always loved how real you are.

Just within the last hour, I was reminded by the Lord (about my messy car) that these precious kids bring so much joy... if the mess was gone... so would the gift that they are to me.

I wish I could wrap my arms around you right now. I will wrap you in prayer instead. Right NOW.

(side note... I thought the same thing as your mom... you are a working momma now... I would hire someone to clean. Guilt free. :-)

Love to you!

Melissa said...

I love that you are committed to praying to God about this. I agree with your friend Tanya about having problems with being an anal housekeeper. Since being in school I have relaxed more. I still rush to clean if I know someone is coming over:) Why is that?? Have a great week friend!

Katie said...

I have to second Michelle's comment for myself! Shannon, you are such a good have your priorities in the right order! Something that I struggle with!

Tracy said...

Shan, I loved this post. I know that sounds weird, but I loved that it was so real and straight from the heart. Someone told me the other day when I was feeling guilty about my own stuff that guilt is a wasted emotion. How true. But, man, it can be a powerful emotion. I love you, Shan. Oh, and, by the way, I totally agree with your mom. If you can hire someone to come in once a week, I say go for it! Love you!

Kailin said...

Totally inspired by this post, thanks your openness! I needed this reminder right now about where the guilt is coming from.