Wednesday, June 29, 2005

"Lord, Make Me A Neat Freak"

...That is a phrase I have taped on my mirror. I try to pray that every morning to help me keep my house clean. Well, I must not be praying it lately...Because if you looked inside the red door of the pretty little house, you wouldn't use the word Neat! Oh man this is a constant inner battle with me. On one hand I am a Stay-At-Home Mom/Wife and should be able to keep a nice tidy house right? But on the other hand....I'm not neat by nature, I have two toddlers that are not neat by nature, and no energy to pretend I am neat by nature. But inside I can feel the inner turmoil of the mess creep in. I love how I feel when my house is spotless and fresh smelling (febreeze!!), but I just cant keep up. I find myself sinking into a mini-depressed state among the mess. And I am always making excuses when people stop by before I have had a chance to throw things in the closet. Most people that do drop by completely understand the stage of life I am in though...and could care less. I think it is mainly me that cares. Maybe Mike too, but he is totally supportive and knows it is a never ending battle with all the kids toys and endless piles of diapers!!! We keep saying , Some day we will have a clean house. But along with will be a quiet one, which is sad. I just need to get to the place where I am fine with the mess for now...and enjoy the kids and all that comes along with them!! My question do I get there? (and your saying right now..."stop blogging and get off your bootie and clean") Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

Have you had a chance to check out It's been a rescuer for me...

Carmen (northcarmen on 2Peas).

Anonymous said...

I really believe that the only house you really need to worry about is the spiritual one. I don't think God really cares about socks and toys and laundry on the floor or anywhere. Dust is good for kids, it builds up their immune system.
Give yourself permission to fret a bit if you must, then go about your life, knowing you are blessed.