Monday, June 06, 2005

Nap Time...

...a mother's favorite time of the day. I have somehow managed to schedule all three kids to go down at the same time each day for naps. It is awesome!!! Well, most days. Today however is one of those days that my 3 1/2 year old decides she doesn't want to sleep. My fear of her giving up her nap is closely coming reality. (I swear I will force a nap somehow till she is in first grade). Anyway, I hear her playing in her room and I decided I wasn't going to force her to stay in her bed because she was being good and giving mommy some of my own quiet time (which usually means I am playing on the computer instead of cleaning). After about an hour here comes the cutest little blond wearing, count-it, 3 tu-tu's and the cutest pair of glass slippers. If I had a digital camera I would have shared the moment with you. that appealed to my girly-girly side and we sat down for some "pretty time". That means she gets to play with my hair and paint my toe nails. Too fun.
And now she is sitting at my desk making invitations, her other favorite thing to do. Like mommy, like daughter.


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and daily comments!



Anonymous said...

How do you find the time ? this is great Love Greg