Thursday, February 01, 2007

Book Report

First of all I want to thank all of you who gave me great suggestions on books to read. I am excited to read them all. And thank you Michelle J. for sending over a couple of books. I have read one of them, but look forward to reading the other one.

So after all those suggestions about books, I ended up taking one we already had here. I had bought this book for Mike for Christmas. He hasn't had a chance to read it yet...but after my raving over it, I think he will be picking it up soon.

THE UNUSUAL SUSPECT by Stephen Baldwin.
Yes, you read that right, a book written by one of the Baldwin brothers. I originally bought it for Mike because I thought he would find it interesting. Stephen being one of the Bad boys of Hollywood now involved in a ministry to reach a generation that the church generally ignores. The young punks or skater generation. See I kind of see Mike as one of those "Bad Boys" that although now living in Faith, still has a "bad boy" side to him that likes to rebel. Not rebel from God, but rebel from the stereotypes of the "Conservative Christian Church". So from that side of the did not disappoint. There were several times I found myself say (probably out loud on the plane) "This is SO Mike". It doesn't hurt that Stephen was the baby of the family, and so was Mike. So much of that part of their personalities match. Also, Mike growing up with older brothers can so relate to some of the stuff Stephen went through with his brothers.

I personally was looking forward to some "Hollywood" scoop. The book didn't disappoint. Pretty sure Stephen isn't too afraid to Name Drop. So this was fun for me. I found out some things about the Playboy Mansion that I never would have known before. Which really isn't that important...but secretly entertaining non-the-less.

But the stuff that fired me up most about this book was how Baldwin pointed out every area of his faith that people question. He just explains thing in such a way that I think it can be so informative, or entertaining to even those that are so turned off by the church. The book is geared towards those people. Those who were not brought up in the church, might not even have any interested in it...but still curious about how Christians think. (or real everyday Christians think...not those fake tan, purple haired folks you see on tv.) So even though I grew up in the church...and knew everything he was talking was just a fresh approach to it. Explained things in a way that is so relevant to today's society. A society who doesn't feel the need for God. Or at least, ignores the inner need we all have.

So I would highly recommend this book to both those who are not Christians, or turned off by those in the Church, or sceptical. Turn off by all the judgement, holier than though folks you see preaching. Because I think it might just explain the whole Jesus thing in a way your not used to hearing. In a way I would love to explain it...just don't always find the right words to explain it.
I also thing it is an awesome read for those who already have a faith in Jesus but still want to get fired up about it! Cause this book sure got me fired up. Helped me refresh what I already knew my purpose was.

I cant say i agreed with everything 100% of the time. Like when he said it is time for old preachers to step aside for younger preachers or those with a fresher view on things. Maybe true in some cases...but there is still a generation out there that they reach as well. But for the most part I enjoyed his view point.

So there you have my book report in a nut shell. I so loved this almost the whole thing on the trip down to California! And easy read, very funny in parts, a bit shocking and very thought provoking. READ IT! Then tell me what you think...good or bad!


Angela said...

Started it and I need to finish it. I have heard great things about that book!
Thanks for the report.

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting. Are you starting a book club here?!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great book report.
I dont usually find time to pick up a book and read it, but after your report I really want to make time to read this one!

Lindsay said...

I'm intrigued... I'll have to borrow it from one of you :)

Anonymous said...

reading your report makes me want to read it... However I don't read...maybe I could try this one though.

Kristie said...

Very cool! Thanks for sharing it with us! just so you know, your life speaks for itself! You can see His spirit through you...with or without the right words! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we do have a lot in common, funny how both of are so good looking too ;)


Anonymous said...

I love Mike's comment!! Thanks for the input on my blog. Obviously I don't get many comments, but I keep getting hits. When I get a comment, I really get excited!! Jill did NOT paint the walls - they were like that, and it is so cute with birds and sheep etc.
The egg incident was a first for me and I just could not believe what I had done.....glad to know that someone younger had done that, and it wasn't a sign of aging :).
Was surprised that such a book was written by that particular author. Very interesting.
Thanks again, Shannon, for sharing.