I have to admit, when Emery told me sometime last year that she wanted to grow her hair out long I was hesitant. Why? Because I know my daughter. She's strong willed, independent...and well, has a style of her own. I knew it would be a battle to keep long, stick straight blonde hair from looking stringy. And I was right! Brushing it every morning or after a bath was straight out of an episode of "Day's of Our Lives" DRAMA!!!! So I pretty much gave up, unless of course for something special or if she wanted a pony that day. (which was rare).
So Thursday I resorted to the tactic of "Don't you want your hair cute and short like Morgans?" (her older and cool friend.) It worked! Evil manipulation I know.
But she is so much happier with it short. She even admitted it. "Mom, I look good with my hair short and a missing tooth." Yup, she said that! She even said "It's so much easier to brush mommy." I refrained from saying "I Told You So." I'm not sure who's happier: her or me.
I do have to say...she looks a little younger. Which I love, but wont dare tell her that, she would not be okay with looking younger.