Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snap Shots from January Life

I thought I would do a post of just some of life that is happening in our house these days.

Ty & Em, man I cant believe how big they look here.

We still have a pirate obsession in this house.

And then there is Piper with her Dora obsession. I love her poochy little belly in this picture.

aww...they look like they always get along this well dont they? I wish!

Yesterday I gave the kids baths before we went to church in the evening, since we get home at bedtime. Everyone else was dressed and almost in the car when I found Ty fast asleep. Boy was he fun to wake up and dress.

Piper and her "finally warming up" to buddy BJ giving her a ride on daddy's crutches. Mike get's an MRI tomorrow to see whats going on with his knee. Good thing he only needed the crutches for a day. The specialist told him to stop using them. The kids liked them while they lasted. Oh, and just in case your wondering what happened in the first place to Mike's knee...who knows...but stories are flying. :)

My daily dose of suppliments to get my wacked out system running like a normal 33 year old woman. And because my Doc said that I have to take this dose twice a day with food, I opted for Chocolate Cheesecake and a Coke Zero today.
I can just hear another Dr. friend of mine saying "wow, that some expensive pee" Right Dr. Jinx?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Sneak Peek On This Side

I am doing a sneak peek from my session today with Zach on this blog instead of my photo blog for a few different reasons:

1. I just posted another sneak from another session on that blog and wanted it to be the top post for another day.

2. Because I know his mom is anxiously waiting to see some of her super-star, and I made her wait too long last time...and she reads this blog too.

3. And I just couldnt resist his cuteness, so I had to share.

Enjoy! I'll post more from this session on my photo blog in a couple of days.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Cheer Video!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Go Emery Go!

So I am probably the only mother who didn't take the kids outside to play and take pictures in the snow today. Call me evil. Mike said we "lamed out" on the kids. They did get some playing time in...just not with us. Maybe tomorrow I might brave it.

But for now here are some sweet pictures of Emery cheering at the basketball game on Friday. So cute! She loves it. She was even on top of a little pyramid, but it was too far from my camera to get a good shot :(.

Mom, I think Emery needs her own custom cheer skirt!

Oh, and just because i need to keep record of it. She lost her other front tooth. She's holding an envelope for the tooth fairy with her tooth in it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Feet Are Sore, and My Heart is Full

Dottie & I at closing time. TIRED!!

I am filled with thanks to everyone who helped me make this day perfect.
  • To all my friends who painted, or watched my kids.
  • To Mike who built & built and sent me flowers.
  • To Karen for watching my kids and having a nummy plate of pot roast waiting for me tonight, my favorite.
  • To all my friends who stopped by with hugs, support, cards and flowers.
  • To Shelia for the design help.
  • To mom for the sewing tips.
  • To Dottie for the opportunity.
  • And to God for the blessings.

    I am very thankful to have this little office, to have this "little" job, to have a place to go to meet my clients (aside from my home.). But the most thing I am thankful for is the opportunity to have all this on my time frame, so I can be home with my babies when they are home, because I missed them in the 8 hours I was gone today. I missed the comfort of my house. I love my life and feel very blessed by all the opportunities, responsibilities and the relationships in my life!
  • I am this might not be making sense to you...but it does to me.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My First Critique

Last night Mike and I got a chance to go hang all my prints in my office as well as put up some other fun touches. (thanks again BJ and Crystal for watching the kids)

So today I was blessed to receive some "happy" mail in my inbox from Dottie. Here is her review of my space!

"Your office looks like something from a shelter magazine! So very cool and so very trendy. I am WAY impressed and WAY humbled to have such a talented woman associated with my little shop."

See you tomorrow!

That made my day! And that email will forever be saved in my Happy Mail folder. So excited to show off the "little" space tomorrow. Open house starts at noon and goes to 8pm. So stop by the Petal Pusher!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Visit to the Farm and a new blogger

We had to take a trip out first thing today to visit mama Sophie's babies. They are so sweet. They make the cutest noises and my kids wanted to take them all!!
The girls had just gotten little puppies in their Happy Meals, so they thought they would introduce their puppies to Sophie.

Just in case you locals are interested...Cassandra's now blogging!

Monday, January 21, 2008

What A Busy Weekend!

Good thing we had an extra day to fit it all in.

We had:

  • Two Birthday Parties
  • Two Photo-shoots
  • Mike replacing his radiator
  • Then a Poker night for him
  • Me making two pillows, a drape, a valance and a place mat.
  • Church
  • Small group dessert at our house
  • Shopping for last minute details for my office and a quick meeting with my designer friend to figure out where to hang my prints.

But with we did get some family time. Movie night and a tea party.

A serious south western salad made my Mike! Home made tortilla strips, bacon, blue cheese, corn, avocado, and home made salsa vinaigrette. TO DIE FOR!

Movie night a tons of snacks!

And a tea party with the girls. (actually coffee and home made Cinnamon rolls made by Cassandra for me.)

And some reading by Emery for entertainment.

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Little Assistant

Piper went with my yesterday on my photo-shoot. And while little Whitney was fussing because she didnt want to sit in the chair, miss Piper got up to show her how to do it with style.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I have paint on my hands.

Custom frames made my Mike!
Painted by me...hence the black hands.

Lots of enlargements ready to be placed in those frames.

6 yards of fabric and one Sewing For Dummies pattern, waiting for me to get the courage up to attempt to sew.

And a freshly painted coffee table. Thanks Dorothy

(your print is in!)

The little office is coming along...almost ready for it's grand debut next Thursday. Yeah! I have learned a lot about getting an office space together. It takes a lot more time and money then one would think for 60 sq feet.

Monday, January 14, 2008

iGoogle Sucks

ETA: StacyB eased my fear in her post (see comments). Sorry if I caused wide spread panic ;). Off to go build my iGoogle feeds again :). And feel free to put my feed back up on yours if you want. Thanks again Stacy!
But just a is always safe to err on the side of caution with your blog and internet wackos.

If you have me in your iGoogle Blog feed list (where you go to check if anyone has updated instead of checking blog itself) PLEASE TAKE ME OFF THE LIST!

I have never had a problem with strangers commenting on my blog until iGoogle came around. I have noticed random hits from Google search too.

I would really like to make it a tad less easier for randoms to find the blog. I know almost impossible...but every little thing helps.

So I am sorry but I had to delete my iGoogle list and if I am on yours, please delete me.


Google has too much power these days ;)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Oh What A Happy Day For This Mama!

I have to admit, when Emery told me sometime last year that she wanted to grow her hair out long I was hesitant. Why? Because I know my daughter. She's strong willed, independent...and well, has a style of her own. I knew it would be a battle to keep long, stick straight blonde hair from looking stringy. And I was right! Brushing it every morning or after a bath was straight out of an episode of "Day's of Our Lives" DRAMA!!!! So I pretty much gave up, unless of course for something special or if she wanted a pony that day. (which was rare).

So Thursday I resorted to the tactic of "Don't you want your hair cute and short like Morgans?" (her older and cool friend.) It worked! Evil manipulation I know.

But she is so much happier with it short. She even admitted it. "Mom, I look good with my hair short and a missing tooth." Yup, she said that! She even said "It's so much easier to brush mommy." I refrained from saying "I Told You So." I'm not sure who's happier: her or me.

I do have to say...she looks a little younger. Which I love, but wont dare tell her that, she would not be okay with looking younger.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Fun Funky Fresh Finds....

Much of my day today was spend on-line searching for:
1. Ideas for decorating my office...(pillows, accessories, etc.)
2. Ideas for my kids Valentine's photo shoot.

The searching took me to vast reaches of the internet world. And I wanted to share some favorites with you...just because. (funny, at Bible study last night we talked about prioritizing your day and spending time wisely....I failed big time today!) But I did find fun stuff for a photo shoot!

Because I Love a Party
Bella & Lina
Creative Thursday (Would love these in a play room)
Very Cool Dishes
The Scoop
Design8 (tons of inspiration here)
Bag Lady An Etsy Category.

many more...but now I need to go read up on how to make my dog not ATTACK Mr. UPS every time he delivers. Which is pretty much everyday.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

The Tooth Fairy has been busy in this town... busy that when I woke up to the sound of Emery getting out of bed this morning I shot up in sheer panic. Woke up the man with some kind of frantic, half asleep talk. I think I kept saying "The Fairy, the fairy...the dollar." The very annoyed man then informed me that Mr. Tooth Fairy hadn't forgotten. Good thing because Mrs. Tooth Fairy would have felt awful, because Eme would have been crushed. I laid back down but by adrenaline didn't settle down for another 30 minutes.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Let's Go Play In The Snow...

...And See How Many Times We Can Get Stuck!

That was the theme. I really think the guys like to see who can get stuck, and who doesnt. Who's truck performs better. Do we get to use the wench?
But it was a fun morning in the mountains! Wore the kids and dog out!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

I posted this slide show for my photo clients on my other blog...but thought some of you may enjoy it here as well. Hopefully it works for you. Those with Macs may have issues, I'm not sure.

Here is the link: 2007 Review

It's long, so sit back with a beverage and enjoy!

Friday, January 04, 2008

2007 Wrap Up.

I didnt do a 2007 wrap I am doing this questionaire instead.

What did you do in 2007 that you have never done before?
Started a Photography Business

Did you keep your new year's resolutions and will you make more for next year?
I didn’t make any resolutions, although I think I was planning on slowing down…that didn’t happen. I wont make any resolutions for this year either.

Did anyone close to you give birth?Yes, my close friends Jinx, Angie & Molly. (forgive me if I forgot anyone else)

Did anyone close to you die?No

What countries did you visit?Just Disney Land…that’s a country in itself.

What would you like to have more of in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?Patience is a good one.

What date in 2007 will remain etched in your memory?My brother’s wedding.

Most out of character thing you did in 2007? MAVERICK.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?Well, business wise would be my photography business.

What was your biggest failure?My house…and lack of control over my emotions.

Did you suffer illness or injury?We were all sick with the flu for the first 3 months of the year…and I have a back/hip injury that is lingering into this year.

What was the best thing you bought?My Moto Q.

Where did most of your money go?Disneyland.

What did you get really really really excited about?All my kids achievements, riding bikes, swimming, reading, loosing teeth, no diapers.

What song will always remind you of 2007?Anything by TobyMac

Compared to this time last year are you: much happier, much richer, much nicer?
Happier- Yes. I like our life right now.
Richer- um…well a little bit more now that I have a “little” paycheck coming in.
Nicer- No unfortunately. (maybe this should be my resolution)

What do you wish you done more of?Self-Control (see a theme here)

What do you wish you have done less of?Yell.

how did you spend Christmas?Under a pile of wrapping paper.

did you fall in love 2007?Everyday.

fave TV show?Grey’s & The Shot

Hate anyone now that you didn't hate last year?No, I don’t think I hate anyone.

What was the best book you read this year?what’s a book?

What was your greatest musical discovery?Napster subscription

What did you want and get?hmm…lots of stuff, my hubby spoils me.

What were your favorite films this year?Highschool Musical! (yeah, I am serious)

What did you do on your birthday?Hung out with family.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?A housekeeper.

Personal fashion concept of 2007?Trying to go grey gracefully. It failed big time…so I went with accessorize more!

What kept you sane?Prayer. Nap time. A husband that watches my kids for me lots. Photography.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?Fancy…hm, no one.

What political issue stirred you the most?I’ve enjoyed watching the start of the presidential race. Not really an issue.

Who did you miss?My friends from Seattle…but I got to see them more this year.

Who was the best new person you met in 2007?My new clients…they are great!

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007?God gave us all a gift. Use them for Him, and for your family.

What are you most excited about in 2008?Just excited to see what enfolds. We have big dreams.

What are you the least excited about in 2008?I cant think of anything…except my kids getting a year older

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Luke!

Just in case you don't get your card on-time, because your Auntie has trouble remembering it takes longer to get to Illinois.