Sunday, January 07, 2007

100 "Random" things about me!

Okay, I was inspired by Misty to do this 100 facts about me. Not sure if I can think of 100 things, but figured in 20 years when my memory is completely gone, this list will be good to have. And I think I am going to try to drum up some of the most random facts, so here I go:

  1. My name is Shannon Elaine. (And I like it too! not so random)
  2. My hair is mostly gray. (thanks mom!)
  3. I just recently learned how to make butter cream frosting and I love it!
  4. I met my husband over a shot of tequila (sorry moms, but it's the truth)
  5. We almost named one of our children Raven because of that night, Ha!
  6. I am very afraid of Dogs, but wouldn't mind a mute purse dog.
  7. I spotted the Great White Owl very late at night on Greek row.
  8. I have the itch for another baby, mainly because I love nursing tiny ones. (I think my sister is cringing right now :)
  9. Dimly lit rooms immediately puts me in a very cranky mood. Just ask my kids.
  10. I am starting to run out of things to say.
  11. I would love to have a beautiful singing voice, but I sing anyway.
  12. I really want to learn to play the Congas.
  13. I had a crush on Boy George as a child. (gross I know)
  14. I feel very overwhelmed with the amount of "stuff" in my house.
  15. I have a list of things to do before I die and I think I have accomplished most of them.
  16. I want to go back to Africa with my Husband. (he needs to get over the bug issue first.)
  17. I suffer from self inflicted guilt when I leave my husband and kids. (not sure how to get rid of that.)
  18. I am looking forward to meeting a couple specific people when I get to heaven.
  19. I wish all my friend understood my faith.
  20. I wanted 4 babies, Mike wanted 2. But 3 is perfect!
  21. I used to threaten that if I had triplet boys I would name them Shadrak, Meshak and Abednigo. (I know I spelled those wrong) And what the heck would make me think I would have triplets.
  22. I cried when Steve Irwin died.
  23. I cried when Princess Diana died.
  24. And I had the strangest feeling of sadness when Saddam was put to death. Still cant explain that one. Mike made me feel better when he said God chooses not to change some peoples hearts ever. hmm...that's getting a little deep.
  25. I am a serious home body, I love quiet.
  26. I love a clean house, but never have one.
  27. I got so excited when my Gray card came in the mail Saturday, but haven't played with it yet.
  28. I love a wedding when every piece of paper, decoration, etc. matches!
  29. I wish I could paint.
  30. I freaked out a bit the other day when I realized I was 8 years away from being 40. I still feel like Im in my 20's.
  31. My husband makes me laugh more than anyone.
  32. My favorite comedian is Ellen.
  33. Im going to California in a few weeks!
  34. My kids have the hairiest legs. (thanks Mike.)
  35. All 3 kids have the cutest dimples. (thanks Mike.
  36. I can eat a whole plate of my MIL's "Bev's Pan-Cake" The best Chocolate cake ever!
  37. My parents house immediately puts me in a vacation/relaxed state.
  38. I haven't been to the dentist in way too long! But I am not afraid of the dentist, just lazy.
  39. I dont have expensive taste, but love diamonds!
  40. Im pretty good at rationalizing myself out of having hurt feelings. (like when i found out none of my friends put me on their list for roommates for women's retreat! I will never let you forget it ladies ;).
  41. I would be a perfect candidate for a tummy tuck, but wont get one.
  42. I hate arguing.
  43. I have the best girlfriends. But sometimes I feel like I hold back emotionally from them. Dont know why?
  44. I just bought the cutest orange dress coat! Thank God for Sales and a gift certificate!
  45. I cringe when someone touches my knee caps. Mike thinks it's hilarious.
  46. I think being Star-Struck is silly.
  47. I wish I saw my siblings more often.
  48. Im feeling the need to let my inner bohemian, eclectic style show more this year.
  49. Im still trying to grasp my husbands Manic emotions during a cougar game.
  50. Im halfway there!
  51. I love Little House On The Prairie and Pioneer Books.
  52. I love to pinch my kiddos booties.
  53. I clean my showers in my bra and panties.
  54. I love to say "Chicken Chimichanga"
  55. I was a major bed-wetter.
  56. I would love a huge Play room for my kids.
  57. Water and kids frighten me.
  58. My son's kisses melt my heart.
  59. I can never wear pleated pants.
  60. I dont like shorts (on me.)
  61. Being Mis-Understood makes me angry.
  62. 2 glasses of wine is enough, maybe a bit too enough.
  63. I am having someone clean my house tomorrow. Yeah!
  64. I hate hard water stains, but cant be avoided here.
  65. Im not very good and getting the perfect gift, my husband is though.
  66. I love the feeling of having all my pictures archived and saved on discs twice, oh and my blog printed out! (do it ladies!)
  67. I love Adobe style architecture!
  68. I love being a Season Ticket holder. It makes me feel special...Silly I know!
  69. I love my pictures to have a warm tone to them.
  70. I love professional massages, but dont get them enough.
  71. I want a bigger bathtub!
  72. I am really bad about sending thank you cards.
  73. Mean little girls make me mad. (I think I was a mean little girl at times though.)
  74. I love fabric softener, my kids' skin does not.
  75. I am not the patient mom I wish I was.
  76. I love playing board games.
  77. I cry easily.
  78. I still have not put my kids baby pictures up on my wall. I have a plan, just haven't done it, we've lived her 4 years folks.
  79. I want an outdoor pizza oven in my back yard.
  80. I love sushi (although Im not very adventuresome.)
  81. I used to be very self-conscience about my feet and my armpits. What the heck?
  82. I am the master of rolling my eyes, but so is my husband and our eldest.
  83. I love Icewater with chocolate. (not mixed together)
  84. I love old musicals.
  85. I want one of these Fongs.
  86. I'd rather hang out with Mike than anyone else! (good thing huh?)
  87. Im looking forward to the marriage class we are taking at church.
  88. I love rock'in Worship music. I miss seeing Michelle J. lead worship.
  89. I am so not a teacher!
  90. I think Confidence is an attractive quality in a person.
  91. I miss one of my childhood friends alot.
  92. Having fun with Napster!
  93. Rejection sucks...but God never Rejects.
  94. I wish my hair was long and gorgeous...but Im about fed up and ready to cut it off!
  95. I wish I ate fish more.
  96. I have met the same ladies for coffee every Friday for the past few years. (miss you Sylvia.)
  97. I love London!
  98. I had boyfriends by the name of Bud and Teddy in 5th & 6th grade. Love those names.
  99. This blog makes me happy.
  100. Im done being random.


Anonymous said...

So glad you did this.
Made me feel happy just reading it.
You are awesome. I LOVE you!
And, I am so glad I have you for a friend.

Kristie said...

You are one of my funniest (funny...ha ha; not funny...weird) friends and I will regret not putting you on my list longer than you will remember to remind me about it!;) To your list you should add..."I am loved"! Shan, you ROCK lady! I love you for all that you are and for all that you bring to my life! God has given you such a beautiful spirit and I'm so very thankful that He has blessed me with your friendship!

Jana said...

I LOVE this....feel like I "know" you so much better now!! I just might lift your idea so watch out!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Shannon... I LOVED reading that! It was a glimps inside you that I have not seen... and I miss you, too! Thanks for including me in the list. You are loved.

Lindsay said...

Love your list!
Made me smile as I read it!
Blessings to you today~

Angela said...

I am happy to say that I know most of those things about you!
very fun list!

Shannon said...

Im thinking I need to do another 100 ladies, I keep having random facts about me pop up in my head.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this it made me laugh out loud you are very good at that. although I was waiting for somthing about our adventure yesterday.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! Loved reading your list!

Love you,

Anonymous said...

That's great, don't know if i could do it. And you're right, I am cringing at the thought of another baby:)

Anonymous said...

Okay I can relate to 71, I would love a bigger bathtub also. I am finding we are rare in loving our soaks in the bathtub. I am not too worried about how you met Mike or that past, today is much more important and each new day God gives us!!
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I loved reading this about you! I did find out a few things I didnt already know! I was happy that I did know most of the things about you though!
I love you for who you are, you are such a dear freind!
Love ya, Les

Anonymous said...

Shannon you are so funny. This 100 random list is a great idea!
And for your information... I'm going to the women's retreat and YOU were on my roommate list because I dont know very many people at New Hope yet. Haha!

Anonymous said...

S-that was the most fun!! I'm so glad to be catching up on your blog. Did you leave off the 'childhood alarm' on purpose?