Friday, January 05, 2007

Slow Down Sister!

I haven't shared a layout in a while, so here is a funky one I did back in October for The Daisy Bucket. The journaling reads: I am loving Life @32. I feel more Confident and Content than every before. Complete happy family, growing faith, lovely home, trustworthy friends, fulfilling job and Joy! Amen!

This layout really kinds of sums up my 2006. It was a great one! One where I grew a lot! It was however, a very busy year too. Especially in the area of Work. The work was fulfilling, inspiring and constant till about the end of August. I learned my strengths and weaknesses through the constant stream of weddings, etc and I really can say I enjoyed 90% of it. However, this last few months have been slow. And surprisingly enough...I've loved it. I have gained a whole new perspective on my life and my past year. And I've decided to SLOW DOWN. Work will always be there, but life passes you by way to quick. Defining Details is not going away, I have just decided to revamp it a bit. Choose my clients, up my minimums so there might be less work, but the work that does come will be worth it financially, and market less. I'm not saying I am going to turn away clients, but I am just not going to go seek them as fervently as last year. (so yes, I will still take referrals friends!)

With that goal of slowing down I have thought of some other things I want to work on this year: And I am pleased to say working on my weight is not one of them! Yeah!

  • Take more dates with my man.
  • Say no without guilt.
  • Invest more in the life of others.
  • Organize my house.
  • Develop good habits regarding house work ( hoping I'm not setting myself up with this one.)
  • Practice my photography, take an online class maybe.
  • Listen, Play, Teach, Pray with and Read to my Kids more.
  • Make some time for God daily.
  • Do my Bible Study homework (my girlfriends are all giggling right now)
  • Enjoy life at a slower pace!

Happy 2007!


Lindsay said...

Enjoy life at a slower pace!
Enjoy your time with God!
Enjoy your family and your "quality" moments together!
Enjoy each day!
May God Bless you in all you do and say in 2007!!
Love you ~

Angela said...

Thats great Shannnon!
The layout is beautiful!

Angela said...
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Tanya said...

My thoughts exactly....wait I don't work, but I still can't seem to be disciplined with the "important" things in life...Well kudos to you for taking a step back...Wishing you much happiness in 2007!!

Anonymous said...

I can see in you the changes of 2006! You seem more confident and happier than ever. Blessing on your 2007!!!! ~Michelle J

Anonymous said...

First of all you do not look a day over 25 in that picture, you look great!
You are amazing, I know God will bless you in 2007! Thanks for being such a dear freind to me you are such an inspiration! (Okay i now have tears in my eyes, time to be done).
Love you! Les

Anonymous said...

Way to go on prioritizing! May God richly bless you in 2007!


Kristie said...

Change is good! Blessings to you in 2007! May God lead you to successfully achieving all the goals you have set for yourself!