The Story of the Scrunchy Puppy!
I thought I had shared this story on this blog before, but I couldn't find the post. I was looking for it so I could scrapbook some pictures of Ty & Puppy. My luck (or lack of memory) is i have already scrapbooked the story and now have two similar pages. This is my most recent picture of Ty with Pup...I think I might have hundreds of these two together.'s the cute story I scrapbooked today:You have always been attached to your puppy. Every since you were one. Every night we search the house for puppy in order for you to safely go to sleep. all curled up with him. So both daddy and I were surprised when all of a sudden you no longer wanted to sleep with puppy. It seemed you had moved on to another stuffed animal...your kitty. One evening about two weeks after this change daddy came in from tucking you in and said "I'm kind of sad that he's not wanting puppy any longer." So the next day at nap time I decided to talk with you about this. I climbed up in your bed with puppy in my hands and asked you why you no longer wanted to sleep with him. I think I even said something along the lines of "do you think it makes puppy sad?" Instant tears filled your eyes, then turned to sobbing. You were truly heartbroken. And you told mommy between sobs that puppy was "scrunchy" and you couldn't sleep with him. Scrunchy meant he had something stuck to him, perhaps food. I think by then I was crying too over your heartbreak and I told you I would give puppy a bath so he wouldn't be scrunchy anymore. Why you hadn't told me earlier that you couldn't sleep with him because he needed a bath I will never know. But I do know that for two weeks you hid your sadness over not sleeping with puppy. You were trying to act all grown up. Puppy hasn't left your side ever since. Except for the occasional bath to get the scrunch off of him.
Oh that is such a sweet story!
I love how he says he is "scrunchy" when he is dirty. What a sweet boy!
Love, Les
I must be hormonal! I "so" have a knot in my throat and tears in my eye! What a sweetheart!
Ahhhh, sweet, sweet boy. Love this post.
what a sweet little guy makes me want to cry to. I heard that he was scrunchy on friday did he get a bath before mommy left?
I remember the puppy story. What a tender hearted guy Ty-Ty is!
That's a great story. These boys try and act so big and grown up. Moments like these make us realize that they really are just little and vulnerable.
Auntie Michelle
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