Friday, August 26, 2005


Ty-Ty is all boy!!! Here is the pictures of his first black eye (kind-of) I cant really say he got this by being tough....nope. He got it while asleep... We heard what we thought was him falling out of bed then instant crys. When we ran in there...he was in his bed. It's kind of a mystery, but I think he was sitting up in bed (trying to play a little more) and fell asleep and tipped over onto the ledge of his cute little sports bed. Poor guy. Then to top it off he ran smack dab into the edge of an open door and skinned his little sore on the same eye. Tough 24hrs for the little man.


Anonymous said...

poor guy.... what a journaling page that'll make, you'll make him blush about it years from now *grin*

Anonymous said...

Kisses from Auntie Michelle